Only best friends

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Nikkis POV
One Saturday evening, about 6pm I woke up to a crashing sound like a wave off music pumping through my head, I knew it was my brother obviously he had his friends in his room. I got up and walk to the bathroom going to the toilet, I flushed the chain slowly going back to my room as I was still tired and my eyes were crusty like burnt toast, I was on my phone clearing all the snapchats that I had that I really don't care about cause....who's got time for people, but I did have someone to talk to my bestie Brian, he was always there when I needed him the most he was like a brother to me, I started texting him just saying random things like "hey".."what you doing"... and stuff like that. I was getting pretty annoyed at everything and everyone at my house and in the outside world. So I asked Brian can I come see him, he said yes it was a fast reply I thought it would have been a " I'll think about it". So that night I only packed the things I actually will need like clothes.....well complete bullshit I brung...I rung my friend to get me a plane to were Brian is laying his other words his home town and city. I was at home at the door waiting on my lift that my friend was going to give me to the airport...sorry did I say give me to the airport sorry my friend is not my mother...I mean get me to the airport. I know it's going to be a long flight holy it's like 11 or 12 hours but I can deal with it, we were near at the airport. I'm in the car stroking my arm cause that's not weird at really is weird Nikki.... well anyway we got to the  airport my flight was already there and ready to go... the thing I love about this plane -cough- private jet -cough- is that it's only me that dies sadly....well there is the pilots... but we all know my luck there going to survive and I'm going to die....wait sorry before I write more let me just get comfortable and turn around this story is hard man there you's been 5 hours on the plane so I decided to be a lazy cunt and go to always well sometimes we'll only the mornings, day time sucks balls. I wake up as we were landing....oh I didn't die surprised asf.....I got off the plane walking to the double doors to get into the airport. I texted Brian telling him I'm here and his address to were I have to met him...1 hour later.... 2 hours later.....ahhh there you go. He finally answered he told me were to go and I got into a taxi to go to his and that's when the fun was about to start.... don't forget adventures Nikki or they are going to take it in a bad way.... ughhh well then fun and adventures may await us...until next chapter my friends..when I mean friends I mean none.

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