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As I woke up I prepared my bag to go to Aizawa's house. I quickly got off the bus and as I entered the house... There's a lot of cats I can count it but holy crap there's a lot of them.

"I didn't know he has cats, I didn't expect this much" I laughed

As I grabbed the cat food, I cleaned his house and when I got up the bedroom, I noticed that he also have the picture of me and him, he still kept it nowadays. I wonder where he kept the photo of him and Hizashi... I remembered the hero names, he was supposed to name himself after his first name, but Hizashi got his hype and named him. As I look into the back of the frame I noticed a paper attached to it.


What 'her'?

As I cleaned his room I bugged of... what does the HER mean?

As I left his house the cat meowed at me as I pet it and it kept on following so I decided to take it home for a while until Aizawa got out of the hospital.

"Hmmm... what's your name? Cats can't talk stupid... I'll just name you Pia then."

As I hurried and got home I dropped Pia just after I got home.

"Make yourself at home"

As it rests in the couch... seems I can't sleep in the couch eh, I think it's time to sleep in my bed...

I lied my bed and something is bugging me off... wait after we received those pictures we wrote something on the back of it... I got up and opened the frame, and got the picture  As I looked at the back

'I love you....'

"WHAT THE SHI-" I shouted but I forgot


I need to approach him as soon as possible and show this to him.


"You know Y/N I must borrow your pen, mine broke," Shouta said

"Uh Okay..." I reached my extra pen and we talked randomly about being a hero.

"I'll probably want to become a hero because I want to show to my parents that I am not useless and I can save people and investigate cases"

"Can you talk about your parents?" Shouta said to me

"Sure... later at lunch"


"Well actually my parents were abusive and they neglected me knowing that I am a meek weak girl, even though I have the most powerful quirk but I can't control it yet. I was knocked down by words and physical abuse..."

"So why are you studying in U.A.?"

"I chose U.A. because I want to prove that I'm strong enough  to survive and  I can do anything."

I saw his smile across his face while eating his tonkatsu and

"You're strong after all..."


But after I graduated in U.A. my parents died and were killed by hero killer, nobody knows who is he or where he lurks in.

So I guess oh well... I can live by myself anyways. As I got down to get cold water the cat was in the kitchen waiting for the rat to go out... I do have rats and cat... oh well, I noticed my dog was disturbed by the cat and is whimpering. I gave it food and go on upstairs and lied down in my bed and fell asleep.

Fell (Aizawa x Reader) Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant