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Mike is in a bed with a breathing mask over his face. Everyone watches as the wound in his chest does not heal.
Crystal: What have I done?
Jayden: It's not your fault. It's Tyler's.
Crystal: What are you talking about?
Darian: You hit him right where Tyler threw his spear, which killed him for the first time. He's been stabbed twice in the chest in the same place. First time in Italy and the other Jayden when he became super crazy.
Crystal: How has he been stabbed there only twice?
Isaiah: Luck?
Herc: So, will he wake up?
Taylor: He's in a state of shock. He's stuck in a coma like state. I don't know what we can do to heal him.
Jayden: I have an idea, but you won't like it.
Taylor turns and sees a look in Jayden's eyes and instantly shakes her head.
Taylor: No. We will not bring her into this.
Jayden: But she's the only one with powers to go into his mind and help.
Tobias: Are we talking about who I think we're talking about?
Crystal: Who?
Jayden: An ex-villain named Illusion. She used to be apart of Bishop's men. Was called the goddess Isis.
Crystal: I know. I worked with Jack the Ripper, remember?
Jayden: Oh yeah.
Herc: Then we shouldn't trust her, right?
Tobias: But she's the only telepath we know.
Jayden: And Mike's not waking up anytime soon.
Darian: Well, being the only doctor here, I say we have no other option.
Taylor: I don't think this is a good idea.
Isaiah: But what choice do we have? Mike is gonna die if we don't do something.
Jayden gets up and walks towards the exit.
Jayden: Be back in a bit.

(At a library)

A girl with short black hair wearing reading glasses, black jacket, blue shirt, black jeans, and white shoes.
Jayden: Sara.
Sara turns around to see Jayden.
Sara: What do you want?
Jayden: Read my mind.
Sara does and sees Mike in the medbay.
Sara: What's wrong with him?
Jayden: Trauma. Need your help to wake him back up.
Sara stands there for a few seconds and then sighs.
Sara: Fine, I'll help.

(Back at HQ)

Crystal paces back and forth. The children upstairs huddled around Elizza.
Tobias: Crystal, you need to stop. You're scaring the kids.
Crystal: I'm sorry. I'm just... It's my fault Tobias.
Tobias: It's no one's fault. We were all just a bit angry is all.
Crystal: But I went physical. I was mad about a stupid reason and decided to attack him. I could've killed him Tobez.
Tobias: But you didn't. And that's what matters.
Crystal nods. Jayden opens the door and let's Sara in.
Jayden: This way.
Jayden and Sara enter the medbay.
Tobias: Let's go see if this works.

(In the medbay)

Taylor: You know what you need to do?
Sara: I know Taylor, quit being a bitch.
Taylor: Whatever, just don't do anything stupid.
Sara: Yes mom.
Taylor wheels out of the room.
Jayden: Save him. Please.
Jayden walks out. Sara sighs and puts her hands on Mike's head.
Sara: Here we go.
Sara closes her eyes and enters into Mike's mind.

Hello everyone and yes, the original Rejects is back. I think, most likely. Anyways, I hope I can get back into this series. Bye.

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