Day 16 - December 18

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Geoff was woken up by Grace the next morning. He vaguely remembered her crawling into his bed at the early hours of the morning, but he didn't mind that much. It was nice to be close to someone. He woke up as Grace was walking back into the room, and he noticed she was only in jeans and a sports bra, and she held a normal bra in her hands. He sat up and raised an eyebrow at her attire, prompting her to explain it. 

"I don't have any shirts left... I was just going to steal one of yours." She pulled one of his shirts out of his draws as he shrugged and leaned over to get his phone from the bedside table, scrolling through the notifications on the lock screen trying to ignore Grace getting changed. He could vaguely see her pull her sports bra over her head so he turned over to make sure his back was facing her. She coughed when she was done changing and he noticed she had one of his tank tops on.

She walked towards the bed and sat down so her back was against the head board and she pulled her phone out, scrolling for a bit before pulling the camera up,

"Take a photo with me?" She asked, grinning at Geoff,

"Sure," He said, and grinned at the camera. He heard the camera click and she pulled the phone down and opened twitter. Moments later, a push notification came through from Twitter, saying

"Glitterdick tweeted a photo"

He looked at Grace who was grinning up at him. He opened the photo and saw the caption above the photo,

"Chill day with my second favourite boyyy!" 

He just chuckled and continued to scroll through twitter with Grace beside him. The two sat in silence until Geoff began to get a pain in the side of his head, and he remembered what had happened yesterday. He sunk down in bed a bit and locked his phone, reaching his hand up to where his head had smashed into the side of the window yesterday. He could feel some dried blood and his hand flinched away as it burned as he touched it.

"I can get you some aspirin if you'd like?" Grace asked suddenly, and Geoff snapped his head to the side. He saw her looking at him with concern swimming in her eyes. He looked at her blankly before nodding, and she moved off the bed and headed down the stairs. Geoff waited in silence for her to return, just flicking his eyes around the room. He saw Grace's sports bra on his desk chair, so he got out of bed and put it in his wash basket, hoping she wouldn't mind if he washed it for her. He slumped down in his desk chair, not wanting to get back into bed and contemplated opening his laptop and doing some band management work. However, before he could, he heard Jawn yell his name from downstairs. He raised an eyebrow but quickly put some jean shorts on and made his way downstairs.

Grace had a letter in her hands and Jawn was on the phone. Grace placed a finger to her lips and motioned for Geoff to be quiet whilst Jawn spoke. She handed him the letter which was in her hands and he carefully listened to Jawn speaking before he read the letter.

"Oh you're already on your way? When will you be here?" He spoke into the phone, and Geoff's eyes flicked to Grace who just shook her head and looked down, "Of course there's room here!" Jawn said and looked at Geoff with wide eyes.

He hummed a few times before he spoke again, "Okay, we'll see you soon... You too, Bye." and he placed the phone on the table, groaning.

Geoff finally began to read the letter as Jawn held his head in his hands and Grace lent over on the kitchen counter and immediately began tapping on her laptop quickly.

"Dear Recipients,
This is a letter requesting the presence of:
Geoffrey Donald Wigington,
Grace Marie Rountree,
Jawn Rocha,
In court on the date December 19 of this year to witness the trial of "Awsten Constantine Knight". 
You have been requested by the above to appear and testify - if you should so wish - in the defence of "A. Knight".
This is not mandatory and you will not be penalised should you choose not to appear.
The trial will begin at Noon of the stated date. Please arrive half an hour beforehand should you choose to accept this request.
In the event of the jury finding the accused 'Not Guilty', one of the requested will be required to remove "A. Knight" from custody. 
Should you choose to accept this request, please bring this letter with you and some ID, and present it as you arrive.
Thank you."

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