Chapter Four

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Poisoned Addiction 

Chapter Four

The older boy smirked down at me, his red hair shining brightly in the sweltering sun. “Well, well. Looks who’s finally decided to come back.”

I scowled up at the scoundrel, having a sense of déjà vu wash over me. Only, this time, our roles were a bit reversed. 

“Mind telling me where the hell ‘back to’ is?” The boy raised an eyebrow, not seeming to keen on helping me. In fact, he didn’t look to be very nice, either. Shocker. 

“Don’t act like you don’t know, Chaos. It’s not like you grew up here, or anything.” Sarcasm oozed from his very being, making my scowl deepen. I huffed, standing up to brush the sand off of me. He continued, not giving me a chance to reply, “At any rate, I’m sure Chiyo will be happy to see you, again. The old bat was convinced to come back.”

“Your grandmother?” 

“Bingo,” he said, snapping his fingers, “Where’d you run off to, anyways?”

I tilted my head, curiously staring up at him. “I didn’t run off, anywhere.”

He rolled his eyes, “And, I suppose you want me to believe you can suddenly use fire jutsu, right? I haven’s seen you since…You know what, never mind.  I’ll let Chiyo talk to you.” 

The young male started walking, glancing over his shoulder, “You are coming, aren’t you?”

~       ~      ~

I closely followed behind the socially inept boy, scared I’d get lost. It seemed like the place I had frequently dreamed about, before. Which, only made me skeptical. There was a few changes, but it was still the same. This place had only belonged in dreams, hadn’t it?

Even the boy was familiar. With his bright red hair, and emotional void eyes, I had come to identify him as that snot-nosed brat, Sasori. 

And, judging from those glimpses I would get, he hadn’t changed. At all. Sure, he was taller, and his jaw line seemed more define. But, as far as his personality goes, the feisty red head may as well have gotten worse. 

Sasori abruptly stopped, causing me to bump into him. Annoyed, I stepped back, rubbing my nose.

He grunted, gesturing to the building in front of us. “Since you seem to be so damned forgetful, this is my house.” 

I stared at the humbled place. It looked exactly like every other building in the village, but it was nice. Once he realized that I wasn’t going to say anything, he walked in, not even bothering to check if I was following behind him, this time.

I curiously studied the interior, cautious of my surrounding. According to Sasori, I’ve been here, before. But, I still took in every little detail, trying to remember something; looking for something that may have stuck out. And, much to my dismay, there was nothing. Not even the photographs on the walls seemed familiar. But, even then, that wasn’t saying much. There was really only a few, and judging by the boy’s pace, he didn’t seem to be too interested in stopping, and letting me study them. If anything, Sasori seemed to be more eager to get past them.

He came to a halt just in front of the door at the end of the hall, staring at me while knocking. 

We waited in silence, and after a few moments, heard a few shuffling noises. Sasori impatiently fidgeted, not liking to be kept waiting on the person behind the closed door.

“Sasori,” the elderly woman smiled, finally opening the door, “to what do I owe this please?”

He sighed, nodding towards me, “Look who came back.”

The old woman’s smile dropped, giving me a once over. And, just like my memory of her, her gaze hardened at the sight of me, looking around us for anything suspicious. 

She ignored me, addressing Sasori, again. “Did anyone see you on your way here?”

He shook his head, and the woman sighed in relief. “Right. Good. Come on in, then.” 

After ushering us into the small study, she closed the blinds tightly, acting a bit too cautious if you asked me. I mutely watched them, unsure on how to react. 

“Before we begin, Chaos dear, what are you wearing?”

I looked down, and much to my surprise, I was sporting a small pink tank top and a pair of black shorts that were way too short to be worn in public. 

Sasori dully watched me spaz, turning my face a color brighter than his hair. Had I really walked around like this? And, compared to their modest clothing, which covered every aspect of their bodies (despite the flaring heat), I probably looked like a street walker. Great. 

“She was wearing that when I found her.” Chiyo raised an eyebrow, folding her hands under her chin, and resting her elbows on the desk she sat at. 

“Well, we wont worry about that, now. I’m sure Sayomi will have some clothes she can borrow. And, as much as I would like that to be our only given problem, rest assured we have bigger matters on our hands.”

I instantly calmed myself, not really listening to Lady Chiyo’s blabbering. Who was Sayomi? I haven’t even met her, yet, and she had already sent shivers down my spine. Her name alone seemed intimidating, I couldn’t even begin to imagine what the beholder of that name would be like. 

“First things first, where did you run off to?”

Sasori shook his head, answering for me, “I already asked that. She’s not giving any straight answers.”

“Because, I didn’t run off to anywhere!” I argued back, getting the sudden urge to defend myself against him. There was just something about the way Sasori acted towards me that really pissed me off.


I huffed, turning my head the other way from them. Sure, I was acting stubborn, but as long as he was being an ass, there was no way in hell that I was cooperating. 


I’ve had this written for a few days, but then watt pad went down <//3 omg. I had no idea what to do with my life in the time it was gone. If watt pad ever shuts down, I’ll just die. I will no longer exist. The end. 

Happy Readings~!

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