Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Christian's POV:

I am on pins and needles waiting for news on Ana and our daughter. I am so worried about what might happen to both of them, with the trauma of the attack. I'm so worried what being born premature means for my daughter, and for Ana's health, as well. I am going stir crazy not knowing what's going on right now in the operating room. My mind keeps going to the worst-case scenario. I'm about to head to the nurse's station for an update when I see Dr. Greene coming down the hallway. I don't even give her a chance to get to me before I'm in front of her.

"Dr. Greene, how's Ana? How's my daughter?"

Ray catches up with us before she has a chance to answer.

Mr. Grey, Mr. Steele, the c-section went textbook. Mr. Grey, I'm sorry to say the next few days and months are critical for your daughter. She was born premature weighing 3lb 2oz and is in very critical condition. She has a long road ahead of her."

Ray can see that Christian is overwhelmed.

"Dr. Greene, how's my Annie?"

"Mr. Steele, Ana is a fighter. She is strong and in recovery as we speak."

Christian, finally able to comprehend that Ana and his daughter are both okay, asks, "When can we see them, Dr. Greene?"

"Mr. Grey, Ana is still under the effects of the anesthetic and in recovery. Your daughter? We are still trying to stabilize her and, because of her early birth, we have to monitor her very closely.

"Thank you, Dr. Greene, for saving both of them."

"My pleasure, Mr. Grey. I believe Ana will make it through what's ahead of her, and so will your daughter. They're both fighters. I will have a nurse update you when you can see Ana and your daughter." With that, Dr. Greene turns to leave and Ray turns to me.

"See, Christian, all you needed was a little faith and everyone is alive and fighting."

I am unable to form words at the moment. I'm just grateful they both are alive and safe. The next hurdles we have to deal with are Ana's and our daughter's health issues. I decide that we need an action plan because both the demon that is Jack Hyde has not been caught yet, and demands that are in my life and the fact that Ana and our daughter will be in the hospital for the foreseeable future. So, I decided to make those arrangements to protect my family.

After what feels like forever, we finally get word that we are able to see Ana and that she is awake. Ray tells me to go first because he needs to call Carla and give her an update on Ana. I head to Ana's room and brace myself for what I'm about to see. I enter the room, and Ana is laying in the hospital bed. The bed is too big for her small frame. She is back to sleep so, I sit in the chair by the bed and take her hand in mine.

"Anastasia, Baby, I need you to wake up for me. I need to see those beautiful blue eyes of yours."

Ana's POV:

I can feel myself trying to regain consciousness. Where am I? I open my eyes but shut them just as quickly because the light is so bright. Then I feel that someone has my hand in their grasp. I open my eyes again, turn, and see Christian sitting by my bed, with tears running down his face. I look around the room, trying to remember how I got here? Then I use my free hand to feel my stomach and realize that my daughter is no longer there. My mind goes into panic mode and, then Christian sees the panic on my face.

"Shhh Anastasia, everything is fine. You're fine, our daughter is fine. She is in the neonatal intensive care unit getting stabilized."

"Christian, what happened?" My voice is horse from nonuse.

"Ana, what do you remember?"

"Not much. I remember being at SIP."

"Ana, baby, you were attacked by Jack Hyde tonight."

"Attacked! Oh, God."

"Ana, I was picking you up for dinner at my parents' house when I saw Jack come out of SIP after hours. I got worried about you so I went inside the building, and found you unconscious on the floor of your office. You were bleeding from a head wound and, you were laying in a puddle of blood that was under you. Taylor and I rushed you here to the hospital. You had a placenta abruption from the trauma of the attack so, Dr. Greene had to do an emergency c-section to save both your lives."

I try and wrap my mind around what Christian just finished telling me and, all I want to do is cry for what I have been through tonight.

"Christian, is our daughter really okay?"

"Anastasia, baby, our daughter is a preemie and weighs 3lb 2oz but, she's holding her own right now. I haven't been to see her because they are still trying to stabilize her."

To hear that my child is fighting for her life, and it's my fault because I put myself in a horrible situation, is terrifying. I start to sob, and I can't stop the tears as they roll down my face. Christian reaches over and pulls me into his arms and lets me cry. He just holds me and I know I'm safe. I get my emotions under control and look up at Christian.

"She needs a name. I was holding off naming her because I didn't want to get attached in case I wasn't here to see her grow up. I also wanted you to know about her before I gave her a name."

"Anastasia, you will be here to see our daughter grow up. I'm going to do everything in my power to make sure that happens."

"Christian, we can't plan the future. I'm very sick remember."

"Anastasia, you will live a long life, if I have anything to say about it."

Ana saw that on this topic they would not be getting anywhere and, they need to get back to the topic at hand, which is naming their daughter.

"Christian, our daughter needs a name."

"Anastasia, listen to me."

Ana got so frustrated that she rolled her eyes at Christian's inability to Listen. Christian sees Ana's reaction and finally stops rambling. Once Ana realizes she has Christian's attention, she decided to speak again.

"Christian, we need to pick a name before she goes a full day without a name."

"Anastasia, I know she does, but I need you to see that I will always do anything to make sure you're always with us."

"Christian, I know you will but I don't want to concentrate on my illness right now. I want to focus on our daughter, please."

"Okay, Angel, what names do you have in mind?"

"I have always loved the name Cosette from Victor Hugo's Les Miserables."

"I always thought you were a Jane Austin fan?"

"I am, but when I read Les Miserables, that name has always stuck with me. What about you? What name do you like for our daughter?"

"I've always been partial to the name Charlotte because my mother would read Charlotte's Web to me when I first came to live with the Grey's."

Ana thought about how to combine the names to make both of them happy.

"Christian, what if we combined both the names so her name will be Charlotte Cosette Grey."

"What about her last name being Steele-Grey?"

"Christian, that's a long last name for a little girl, don't you think?"

"Well, I'll agree to the last name of Grey because one day soon, your last name will match ours, and you will be Anastasia Rose Grey, as well. Ana smiles at Christian's declaration.

Christian's POV:

Christian realized what he said, and he couldn't be happier that he finally let Anastasia know his intentions for their future. He couldn't be happier. He was also glad that their daughter had a name - Miss. Charlotte Cosette Grey. At this moment, nothing could ruin their happy future, in his eyes.

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