Chapter 16

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We tangled our hands together as I laid back on his chest and soon fell asleep. The next morning Joe let himself in. I gave all the guys a key to my place as I trusted them. He walked in and saw me and Sal on the sofa, asleep whilst holding hands. He coughed to show he was there. Sal immediately woke up from his sleep to see Joe stood there with a smirk.
"Why on earth are you here?" Joe whispered, trying not to wake me up.
"Well I came over to watch a film and we must of fell asleep and here I am" Sal whispered, picking his phone up from the table beside him.
"What about Claire?" Joe asked.
"I presume she's at home" Sal answered innocently, however he knew what Joe meant. "Look, me and Katy have been friends for five years. I've known Claire a week! Two at most!" Sal told him.
"Whatever! I never saw you!" Joe joked. Sal couldn't help but laugh.
"What's the time?" Sal asked Joe.
"Just gone nine!" Joe replied.
"Oh! I forgot I was supposed to be meeting Q at 10!!" Sal remembered. He gently kissed my forehead to wake me up.
"Morning" he greeted me as I was beginning to wake up. I immediately jumped up and turned round to face Sal, not letting go of his hand. I gave him a huge smile.
"What?" He asked, smiling back at me.
I got up and tugged Sal along with me. I led him out into the garden and held onto both of his hands. I waved them about and said to Sal
"Today is March 16th!!"  I waited for his reaction. A few short moments later a smile grew on his face.
"Today marks exactly 5 years since we first met!!" He remembered. We stood there for a while. "As soon as I met you that day I honestly thought you were the most beautiful women in that bar!" He revealed.
"That's so sweet" I said to him. He leaned in as if he was about to kiss me....

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