Tough Luck for you Hex

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While Ben, Grandpa, and Gwen were on the road they were stopped to see a bus hanging off the cliff of a mountain Gwen bolted up from her seat while Ben stayed in his looking at his laptop looking at magical artifacts with his lucky boy mask near him while Gwen was taking care of the bus full of elders. after Gwen had finished and walked back to the RV Ben picked up the mask looking at it "Lucky Boy. i wish you were more than a Halloween costume" the RV door open and Gwen let out a stretch and started walking to the front "sometimes this hero stuff gets way old" Gwen Complained and looked at grandpa as he spoke "you should be proud of yourself Gwen the folks would be in a real pickle without you." Gwen sighed and sulked a bit "i know i just like one regular summer day were i i can just hang out all day and do nothing. Y'know like Ben" Ben Perked up wide eyed as he looked at Gwen and pointed at her "you should appreciate what you have i only got to be lucky boy for a few hours" Gwen was feeling like laughing after what Ben said and spoke back "Really is that it because with all the bragging you did it felt like weeks." 

Ben threw a Pillow a Gwen and fist bump for a perfect shot to her head Gwen still having a smile on her face as she faced Grandpa "the worst part of all was all those granny's invited me to go to some lame old magic convention in Las Vegas as if" Ben Perked up more and was to excited to hear magic convention "Magic convention" grandpa saw Ben get excited and knew thats where they were heading next. Gwen didn't seem so pleased to hear that before buckling up and heading to Las Vegas while somewhere else Hex wasn't where he was supposed to be.

As time passed they reached the magic convention and grandpa parked as both Ben and Gwen walked inside all three of them looking around the place Ben seeming to get more and more disappointed while they walked and Gwen saw a box full of cheap gag tricks putting on a headband with a arrow that looks like its going through her head as she dug threw the box more. "Magician of the Year expo" Ben Scoffed "its all cheap junk and grossed out tricks i thought it was going to be MAGIC magic not cheesy magic" Ben then called out saying Check something out as Ben and grandpa looked over walking to her "Fake bugs in ice cubes, fake barf, fake dog poo" Gwen seemed to be enjoying herself especially knowing that Ben was disappointed and wanted to use that to her advantage "yea we get it Gwen" grandpa said basically telling her to cut it out "well as long as we're here we might as well look around" grandpa said placing his hand on Ben's shoulder Ben frowned but nods walking away

Ben walked over to a stand looking at whats on it then at the lady "i dont suppose you dont have any real magical artifacts?" Ben asked but didn't get the answer he was hoping for before looking down back at the stand and saw a bracelet with a gem...

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Ben walked over to a stand looking at whats on it then at the lady "i dont suppose you dont have any real magical artifacts?" Ben asked but didn't get the answer he was hoping for before looking down back at the stand and saw a bracelet with a gem in it grabbing it and putting it on "I'll take it" grandpa walked over with Gwen asking Ben if he wound something he liked and Ben nods "yea it kinda reminds me of-" Ben stopped at the sound of screaming and the three looked outside running out to see a helicopter about to blow and a guy tied to the bottom of it Ben and grandpa looked at Gwen "i know i know hero time" Gwen walked away to find a safe place to transform and she did turning into Stink Fly as she flew to go rescue the man.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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