CH|| 24

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Chapter 24

When we got into the hall, people were beginning to get seated around a huge projected screen, like I had asked abeoji to set up. It was much too huge than I had asked for though, but the crowd was huge too. I had made a customized dedication for them with captions and stuff, before leaving for Jeju! Yeah... I am that friend haha.

Once everyone was seated, I asked abeoji to play it. The video was in story form that began before Jisoo and MinMin started dating, the kind of life they had before and then after they started seeing each other. I had collected a lot of pictures and there were videos of them drunk at a few noraebangs, (karaoke rooms) and parties at friends places.

A lot of people had helped me in sending in videos and stuff... It was funny in many places and then it began to get a little emotional as it said about how it had been difficult at a point when Minah's parents didnt approve of it at all. I was monitoring Minah and Jisoo's reaction from beside the screen. Minah sat with a box of tissues in hand and Jisoo hand was around her, rubbing her arms to calm her down. Soon the video ended and it was time for people to come forward and make their wedding toasts. Since the video was by me, I went up first.

"Hi! Um.. my name is Ju.. Kim Hyeri and I'm Minah's best friend, also her maid of honour today as you all must have witnessed..." I stuttered realizing that since I am "married" to Namjoon I had to change my name so that people wouldn't question it.

"YOU'RE SO BEAUTIFUL" Some guy at the back shouted.

"Aha ..Why, thank you!" I chirped, and then looked at Namjoon...

"Omo! My husband doesnt seem to like that!" I said into the mic and saw his lips break into a grin, as the others chuckled out too.

"Okay well... So today is a big day and its all about Minah and Jisoo. Congratulations... You guys finally made it! I...uh...its a very special day for me, because my best friend has tied the knot and is finally going to spend a long and happy life with the guy she loves. I have known Minah all my life and we are very similar in a lot of I can perfectly understand the extent to which she is in love with Jisoo. Its maddening... I mean, I had been with her while she dated other guys but none of them were as serious as things got with Jisoo! I had seen all her phases... the lovestruck phase, the jealous phase, the desperate phase, and all that in this relationship. Jisoo... you should know that you are really very lucky, her day starts with you and ends with you! I could keep talking and talking about this beautiful couple and I already made a video that ruined Minah's expensive make up! but...Aigoo! I should just end here...." I raised my glass.

"To the new Mr and Mrs! To a new life! To a lot of Babies!" I said and everybody laughed while raised their glasses in unision.

Namjoon went up next.

"Uh.. hello everybody. My name is Kim Namjoon and I'm the best man today. Since today is a special day and a very important day for Jisoo and Minah, I would like to be completely honest with what I'm going to say now, probably excluding the honest bits that I'm not supposed to share in case I hurt sentiments of certain special people.... *sighs* well Jisoo has been a really important part of my life. There was a phase in my life when I had given up on everything. I didnt want to live anymore but Kim Jisoo... my brother... my savior.... I dont know what I would do without you! I had suffered so much because I married young and I married someone I wasnt meant to be with. I felt Jisoo and Minah were young to be getting married too. I wanted them to take their time, learn if they could live together or not, spend more time knowing each others habits. I did not understand the urgency of their decision. I did not understand how hard it was to hold up with Minah's parents not wanting this marraige. I agreed to come here to Jeju, not to support my friend with this wedding. Contrary to my role as best man, I had come to ruin this plan. I thought I would be saving Jisoo , like he saved me. Jisoo... thank you for saving me and making me want to live. If I hadnt lived, I wouldnt have met Hyeri and if I hadnt met her, I would have committed a huge mistake of being the big despicable villian of your love story...."

The fact that he mentioned my name made my heart jump. He was extreme. Soooo damn extra! He was making a confession in front of so many people.. was he nuts?

".... We all must basically thank Hyeri, majorly for all the times she unknowingly stopped me from making a move. She has such a strong belief in the power of love and she herself is capable of loving someone with her life! The way she supported you guys until the very end...even when she believed I had left with the ring... *chuckles* .. nothing could stop her from fighting for someone else's love... I could only wonder how hard she would fight for her own! I could only wonder how hard she would fight for me.... *I think I'm going to collapse any minute now* .... my Hyeri-ya! thank you for stopping me from doing something dangerously stupid because now I can see that Minah is only looking so breathtakingly beautiful today because she is so happy to be with Jisoo... and... bro!.. you have a long life to look at Min now, take your eyes off her and look at me until I finish here *everyone laughs, including me, with tears in my eyes* ... I will pray each day of my life for you guys to be happy like this together until the end of time... because you are amazing together and because of you guys I met a determined, strong woman who could make me believe in the power of love again. Who made me realize that marraige wasnt about how much time you get to know each other but how much you would put at stake just because you cared for the other. Congratulations for having found the one you want to take care of for the rest of your lives! Bless you guys! To Jisoo and Mina! To love! To faith!"

My face was drenched in tears, that I was frantically trying to wipe away with a napkin.

He came and sat beside me. I refused to look at him.

"Ahem... so well that was so touching... I'll give everybody one minute to wipe their tears before I speak further..." Abeoji began his toast. Why was everybody being so ridiculously funny and emotional at the same time!? Namjoon who was seated to my left, pulled my hand into his left, entangling his fingers over mine. I still refused to look at him as I cried into your napkin held in other hand. "Whats with all this crying? It makes me look bad!" Namjoon grumbled while I sobbed.

This stupid guy....He could have just said all this back in the car..Why did he have to.. this was such a big deal... for me atleast... an indirect confession in front of a huge crowd. A crowd with our bestfriends and their parents and relatives included in it. I felt so happy and attacked, words wouldnt ever be enough to express how I felt for him

"Hyeri-ya! If you dont stop crying I'm going to go try my luck with that hot chick in blue over there..." I instantly turned my head to see who he was looking at. He was looking at me, grinning like an idiot, he pecked my nose lightly.

"Ya Namjoon!" I whined, punching him on his chest.

"Oh my gawd... this is crazy... I was hoping you would look ugly when you cried and then these pervert men wont look at you... but even with your shrunken face you still look so beautiful... damn!" He exclaimed.

"Namjoonah!! Hajima!!! Jebal!" I cried, punching him again and again.

"Okay okay!!" He chuckled, placing his hand around my shoulder as he kissed my hand entwined with his and hugged me to him. I cried some more into his chest and he kissed my forehead repeatedly..

"So... well I almost said it!" He said.

"You said everything except for what I wanted to hear!" I said in between sobs making him chuckle again.

"That was because I want to say it, only to you for the first time... I would shout it out to others later!" he said in a quiet voice. I pulled away from him, wiping all my tears away and looked him in the eye.

"No one is listening to us now" I sniffed.

"Wait for it you untrusting, impatient lover!" He cackled at his own repitition. Just then the hall broke into loud applauses distracting us both and I looked up to see Minah's parents take the mics to speak next.

AN: ]

okay the speeches too forever to do omfgfifn...

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