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marK: yoyOYOOOOO

marK: y/n~~



marK: aww good morning to you too babe (kiss emoji)

y/n: nANI? *runs away*

marK: *chases you*

y/n: *loses you because is a much better runner*

y/n: (winky face)

marK: okay the disrespect. im OLDER THAN U CHILD

y/n: firsT- i aint no child no more

marK: idc miss. now get yo buttt out here. im downstairs.

y/n: wth. wHO LET U IN MY HOUSE

marK: yr mom ( creepy emoji )

I ran downstairs and was greeted with mark lying down on the couch. Thank god I was already ready. He put up his hand for you and bowed, as if he was some novelty white guy from the 50's or something. I took his hand and ran out the door.

"LeT's GOOOOOOO!" I shouted.

Mark pulled my hand making me stop in my track. He pulled me near him and places his arm around my shoulder once I was next to him.

"Chill boo. We still got about an hour before school starts," Mark said.

I gave him the 'durh i know that' face. "I know that. I just want to eat breakfast at the cafe before it gets crowded."

Mark just nodded his head and suddenly ran like usain bolt-

"If we want to go there before others does, WE GOTTA GO FAST!"

My mind went blank for 5 seconds until I started running and catching up with him. As I caught up with him, I threw him a smug look just to show that I am the better runner.

We arrived at the cafe. We were both sweaty from all the running.

We decided to take a seat first and catch our breath.

"id-idiot." I managed to say while catching my breath.

Mark gave me a stupid look, "What you want boo? The usual?"

I nodded my head and gave him a thumbs up. He walked to the register and began ordering.

He came back with a tray filled with two plates of english breakfast.

I smiled and did not think twice before I began devouring the dish.

I was pretty sure Mark did the same thing. I mean, it was delicious.

Right after we finished our breakfast, the cafe started to be full of people. We took our bags and went out.

We took our time walking to school. We were stuffed.

"ugH. I AM F-U-L-L," Mark said while rubbing his tummy.

"you mean, F-A-T. HAHAHA"

"weLl rOOD."

It didn't take long and we were already in school. We had a long time so we decided to chill at the courtyard, under the tree.

I laid my head on Mark's lap and ranted to him about this guy on overwatch while he played with my hair.

"Ah shit. Class is starting soon."

"No cursing child and yeah I wILL MISS U Y/N."

"me tOO. See you during lunch I guess. byE!"


Mark was a year older so we didn't have any of the same classes. I rushed to my class because I didn't want to be late, again.

I managed to reach class before my teacher did.

I plopped down onto my seat and greeted my best friend and table mate, Owen.

"So how was maRK LEE," he nudged me.

"whaT do YOU WANT."

"Girl, just date already. I mean like everyone thinks you guys are a couple. aNd PLEASE YOU GUYS NEED TO TAKE THIS BEST FRIEnd thIng anD THROW IT AWAY."

"we arE nothING MORE THAN BFF's OWEN."

He rolled his eyes at me. I faked a scoff at him.

One thing no one knows is that Mark is HEAD OVER HEELS for Sarah Tan. I mean what is there not to like about her? No one, and i mean NO ONE hates or dislikes SARAH TAN.

Mark has had the biggest crush on her ever since the start of high school.

"Please remember to wear something symbolic for Canada Day tomorrow," our homeroom teacher said.


I was thinking about what to wear tomorrow. I didn't really pay attention during chemistry. I could just always ask Mark to tutor me, its revision for him too anyways.

goodbye // mark leeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang