Chapter 4

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Emma's POV:

I paced back and forth in the bathroom. This can't be happening. This can't be happening! I pulled another test out of the box and took it—positive. As I heard Xander approaching the bathroom, I quickly hid all the tests I had laying on the counter.

Knock! "Hey babe. You okay in there," Xander questioned. I could hear the smile in his voice. "Uh-um.....yeah! I'm fine!" I stammered. "O-okay. Just yell if you need something." I waited for Xander's footsteps to disappear before pulling out all the tests—all positive. I sunk to the floor. The tears started. I can't be a mom. Not now. Not ever.


I lay on the bed, trying to get some work done. I saw Xander appear in the doorway. He crossed the room to the bed with a few quick strides and started kissing my face. He then moved to my neck but only left a few, gentle kisses. He moved up to my ear but after a kiss behind my ear, his lips lingered. "So," he whispered, "when were you going to tell me?" My heart sank. He knows. He found the tests. "Tell you what?" I whispered. I decided to play dumb. Xander stood up again and pulled out one of the many pregnancy tests. "That you're pregnant!" My face turned hot. "I-I-I don't k—" "Emma why wouldn't you tell me. This is our child. I deserve to be the first to know. Does anyone know?" "N-no. Except for Danny." Xander looked at me in disbelief. That disbelief turned to anger and hurt. "D-Danny. Emma, I am the dad, right?" I couldn't believe he just asked that. I freaked. "Of course you're the father! I'm not some cheater! How could you say that?" I yelled. Xander was still hurt. "E-Emma. I'm sorry. I just wanted to make sure." "No. Obviously, you don't respect my decision to wait and then you accuse me of cheating. I can't even look at you right now!" Xander now was even more hurt. "Get out of my room! And take your stupid ring with you!" I threw my engagement ring at him. He walked away, sadly.
What did I just do? That was my future husband and I screwed it up. Xander lightly knocked on the door. "Come in!" I yelled, through my sniffles and tears. He approached the bed, slowly, and then sat down next to where I was laying. He wiped a tear from my face and extended this hand. "I'm sure you are still mad at me and probably hate me but I just want you to know that I still love you, I will never leave you and I'm sorry." I stared into his eyes. "I-I overreacted," I said quickly. "I-I'm sorry and I'm so stupid and I don't deserve you..." I started to cry harder. I took the ring out of his hand. "I don't deserve this." He took the ring out of my hand and slipped it onto my finger. "You deserve it and I couldn't ask for anyone to be wearing this ring." I smiled. This whole thing was scary but I always had him. Always.

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