Chapter 3

77 3 1

A/N: *Nothing To Say*

****Not Edited****

Thank God, I'm not wearing those heels. Was my first thought when I ran out that door. I stop when I reach a two way corridor. One way leads right and the other way leads left.

When nothing goes right-go left.

I dash through the left corridor, hiking up my dress so I can run easier. I feel like Cinderella, dashing away from her prince. Except instead of a prince-I got walking freakshow. I look behind me to see if what's his name is chasing me.

Nope. No one there.

I want to stop and cheer, but I'm afraid that if I do, I'll give myself away. I look in front of me and find a door. Hmm-to go in the door, or not to go in the door?

I decide to go through the door. When I dash out I'm so relieved to see that I'm outside in the dark part of the forest.  I sit up against a tree once I'm a safe distance away. I take a deep breath and close my eyes.   I feel the cool bark of the tree with my bare hand. The rough texture is right there underneath my fingertips. 

Most detailed dream ever.

I stretch my legs out on the snow. I let the cold seep through my legs 'till I finally decide to stand up. I look around the forest. It's quiet, the kind of quiet there is right before something big is about to happen. I look around trying to see anything, but fail because of the darkness. I take a deep breath. 

" Hello? Anyone there?" I hear a rustling sound. " Hello?" I try to peer out behind a tree. I see nothing. Nothing at all. I feel the suspense starting to build up. I take a shaky breath. 

The world starts to spin. Around and around, and around, like I'm spinning around like I was 5 again. Everything starts to blur. I take a breath and try to steady myself with a branch. The second my skin makes contact with the rough texture, the tree starts whispering to me. 

No, not just the tree. Everything.

I let go of the branch and stumble around. The whispering dosen't stop. I try to make out what they're saying but the more I try to concentrate, the more I spin. I wish that I would just pass out already. I close my eyes, hopeing that it'll all just stop.

It dosen't.

I let myself fall to the ground. I lay there until I slip away into darkness.


When I wake up I don't know what to expect. Am I being held hostage again? I open my eyes and see that I'm right where I passed out. Except now there's mist everywhere. I close my eyes again and the whispering stars again..

" Just shut it already!" I scream out in furstration. The whispering grows louder. But now I can actually understand what they're saying. 

" What's she doing at this part of the forest?"

" I don't know-but I think she has a death wish for running away from him like that." The invisible people say. 

" I do not have a death wish." I cry. I hear shocked gasps.

" She can hear us!"

" Lets run for it!" Suddenly the whispering stops. I'm glad it stopped but now I'm more lonelier than ever. I lay there for a while, and then I feel someone else's presence next to me. 

I open my eyes and let out the biggest scream I can manage.


A/N: I have the most unusuall habit of giveing you guys cliffhangers! Oh well!


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