Graduation Time

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It's the final day of college. The constant studying and caffeine absorbed into your body is finally at a halt. Dinah always showed her support for you throughout high school and college, she's helped you through your breakdowns and struggles. Now here you are valedictorian of your college. The person you could think of thanking is her.

You were called into stage to give your speech to your fellow classmates.

"We've all worked our asses off. Some more than others. Some of us have had downfalls, while some other were successful. The only reason I am standing where I am today is because of my amazing and beautiful girlfriend." I smile up at the stands, "I couldn't have done it without her. She's my everything and more. I know if she's stuck with me through all my problems within the past years. She'll stick with me throughout my future indevours. She's the one for me." My eyes scan the stands searching for my love. 

Finally they've found her, I quickly wrap up my speech the dean could finish our ceremony.

After the actually graduation is over and done with I wait near the tracks waiting for Dinah to make her way down to me, like we'd planned. I smiled and waved as I saw her quickly heading toward me. She picked up speed and leaped into my arms, "I'm so proud of you baby," she praised, "your speech was beautiful." 

She moved her hair out of her face and smiled brightly at me. I told her I meant every word i said in it. She placed a hand on the back of my neck, and kissed me. Everything was right in the world. I had my diploma, and my girl.

I'm horrible I'm sorry. I know y'all hate me for leaving this for a year. :'(( I would hate me too. Well looks like I'm back now. Request some stuff. I might be coming out with something else too so stay tuned.

P.s. I'm sorry it's short. I'm really trying to get back into the swing of things.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2018 ⏰

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