I dunno 🤷🏽‍♀️📖

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Just thinking about life makes me wonder, so many things I wish I understood and analyzed better than I did. Must one feel empty to finally realize what was or is missing? It's a series of questions that lead to more complex questions. The circle keeps turning and becoming this repetitive cycle where we become accustomed to the life style we have, why not defy the circle? Swim toward the current and face everything head on, be honest with ourselves in terms of our life goals. Sometimes the lies become our truths because we believe in what we say and make it seem so 'real'. But what is reality when you manipulate the information or form an action, idea or statement from untrue events? It's blasphemy, the most horrid form of living life, being someone you're not, someone you made up, someone that doesn't exist. Don't waste other people's time or yours trying to convince yourself and them of whom you 'really' are. Be as fake as you want and that won't take you to any real place, it'll take you to a place of putrid made up lives and words that will make you spin int that disgusting circle. There's many things one can't begin to comprehend but if there's one thing that's fact is that we all live a double life, I include myself because I have to act like the me my parents want when I'm home, at school it's just me, no mask no lies. It's hard to tell the truth when it's hurtful and you're still vulnerable about it, but nothing will give you more freedom than telling the truth 🤷🏽‍♀️

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