Chapter One

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You know little about Charlie. You shared a home room class with her in Year 7, but that's about it. She has a different friend group is all. Your friends don't like some if her friends and you left it at that. You made eye contact with her a couple of times in the hallways. The farthest you could get with her was  a curt nod or an unwilling smile walking into the same test only separated by a wall.

She's nice you suppose. You still don't connect with her much. Too teachers pet for your liking. Sometimes you see her going out of her way to say 'Hi!' to some of her teachers during break. Personally, you think its disgusting. You can barely tolerate your teachers inside of class. What twisted spell has created such a demon! She the favourite student in the school in every faculty. They actually care how she goes in tests! They accommodate her feeling and strengths into their teaching method with her. Your ideas are swept aside every chance they could. You feel under appreciated and like your  numerous talents are squandered. She practically prances around the school like nothing is wrong with the world. Its almost funny to you.
A naive and disconnected soul like Charlie's is hard to find in this day and age. It feels like her child-like faith in everything and everyone is . . .
almost refreshing. She is magnetic. Troubled broken teens flock to her. You bet she loves the attention. Secretly a diva with a superiority complex that wants to be worshiped.

You can't be too judgy yet. You haven't had a normal human conversation in over two years.

Still. Judgy is better than cushy. Carla said you should get to know her. She's a push over, not to mention, she doesn't want to jump out of a window every time test scores come back.  Strange behavior for a teenage girl. You guess she could be useful. What's the worst that found happen.

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