Double Crossed PT:2

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September 21, 2006

Hey! Today is Saturday and Bree is having a sleepover with Aly. I hope that I don't come off too strong on her.

I think just keep on the down low, I asked Luke over and he is coming and staying the night too! Yeah, we could all play games together! We could play hide and go seek, mafia, and jump on the trampoline. Ok, so I just found that Luke likes Bree! That's so cool, I like Aly there's a fun time. Then, Luke like's Bree so that's twice the fun! Right now, we are eating pizza from liovlie's! Now, we are going to skyzone! This is the bet night ever! I just told Aly that I could beat her in dodgeball so we are gonna face off! I think I'm gonna ask her out now. During dodgeball, I asked her out. She said yes! I'm so glad she did, but now Bree is teasing me about it! Bree is happy for me tho. Guess what, Luke asked Bree out and she said yes! We are a double couple! This is awesome, the rest of the night, me and Aly were next to each other. Luke and Bree, sat next to each other, when we went to go see Rattaoui. When we got home, we played tag, I got Aly and then we had to go to bed. Before we went, me and Aly held hands! I hope we get married! Well bye for now!

~ Brett Fitzgerald :)

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