|| 7 || A Practical Joke of Sorts

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Watching Nick's retreating back made you let out a sigh of relief. "Well, that went well," you blurted out, relaxing your shoulders at last.

"Sure, but I can't say I'm too happy about this," Newt said. "You could've at least more of us before running off into the Maze."

Minho opened his mouth to reply but Newt cut him off, "That was as bad as your first attempt into the Maze."

"But I made it back both times," the slightest hint of smug smirk was seen on Minho's lips while he shrugged. With Newt's attention on the dark-haired male, you thought about slipping away since the blonde had pretty much entered the scold-your-friend-like-a-parent mode.

As if reading your thoughts, Newt shot you a look,"Don't even think about slipping away, ____."

"He's just overreacting," Minho rolled his eyes. It earned him a jab from Newt. "Ow-! Come on Newt, be a little more gentle, I'm tired from running."

"You lost the right to complain when you snuck out into the Maze. Hell, you even brought ____ with you."

"Sorry," you said weakly. Newt just gave you a tired and disapproving look.

"I'm just glad you're okay." He sighed. "You two should go get changed."

"Yes, mother," Minho replied. The other boy just rolled his eyes, looking so done with Minho. You gave Newt one last apologetic look before walking off towards the Homestead to get changed from your sweat-drenched shirt. Comparing the maps could wait until then.


"Took you long enough," Minho greeted when you entered the Map Room. He was sitting on a chair, legs propped up on the table with his hands behind his head. 

You didn't bother entertaining his remark and went on with the task. Placing all three maps on the wooden table, you started examining them, comparing all their similarities and differences. This day's Maze resembled the one from days ago a lot, but not completely. The map yesterday was so different from the two but it overlaps with some passages with today's map. It didn't take a while for the task to make your head hurt.

"You having a good time there?" Minho stood up from his seat and stood beside you.

"Very much," you replied. "Do you think such a huge thing could completely change overnight?"

Minho pondered your words for a moment. "What are you trying to say?"

"What if there's a pattern? Like, some passages are bound to look the same at some point."

"Like the voices in your head said? Maze, Grievers, Pattern, and Escape?"

It sounded ridiculous hearing it from someone else, but it wasn't like your situation in the Glade was normal. With a shrug, you replied nonchalantly,"Well, not like we have anything else to work on,"

The sound of the door opening caused you and Minho to look up from the three maps on the table. Nico entered the room with a basket in his hand. He offered a small smile and held up it up. "I brought some sandwiches. Heard from Siggy that you haven't gone to the kitchen for some food; we made these for you."

The mention of food reminded you of the hollow in your stomach. Nico's face started shining in your eyes. "Are you an angel?"

Nico chuckled. "Of course, did you ever think I was human?"

"Heaven must've rejected you if you're here then," Minho said.

"A little thank you wouldn't hurt." Nico frowned at the Asian boy. He walked towards you and set down the basket on the table. It had a bunch of sandwiches and two bottles inside. "Well, eat up, _____."

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 15, 2018 ⏰

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