Chapter 2-

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Chapter 2- 

        I walked in the front door and set my suitcase down. Everything was still in the same place from what I could remember. I looked around a took a deep breath. My dad came in from behind me.

        " You can put your stuff back in your room, I'll start dinner." He smiled at me and I just nodded. I picked up the heavy suitcase and trudged upstairs. The bag thumped as I pulled it up the stairs. I stopped at the top and looked at the hallway. I tried to remeber which room was mine. Every since the car crash I could barely remeber anything from the past couple years. Some things came back to me after awhile. I walked slowly looking at the walls lined with pictures. I smiled at the one of my mom and me under a tree, we were laughing a having a great time. The picture was captured at the perfect moment. 

        "Willow you better get your butt back here!" My mom yelled at me while I was lauging my head off. I ran up the stairs quickly. 

        "Give me the picture back!" I ran into my room and slamed the door behind me. I put my back against the wall to keep her out. The picture was of my mom with a really bad perm and gaint glasses, to top it off she even had braces. I burst into laughter again.

        "I swear willow, you better give it back!" 

        "No way, I'm so keeping this for black mail."  I smiled to my self and ran over to the bed and tucked it under the matress . My mom opened the door and I put my hands behind my back and smiled. 

        "Where is it?" I shruged my sholders and tryed not to laugh. 

        I looked at the door from the flashback. I slowly pushed it open and walked in. My suitcase fell to the floor as I looked around. I made my way over to my bed and lifted the matress. The picture layed there in the same spot. I picked it up and smiled while a tear trickled down my cheek. 

        "Honey dinner is ready." My dad came in my room. I quickly wiped the tear and turned around.

        "I'll be down in a moment." I smiled at him and he nodded before walking out. I took the picture and put it in the corner of my mirror.


        "Dad, why isn't mom back yet?" The thought has been bugging me ever since we got home. If she wasn't very ingured then why wasn't she back yet? 

        "She uh had to run and get a few things from the store before she came home." He looked down and started eating his food. I didn't say anything back, I was just glad everyone was ok.

        All of a sudden there was a knock on the front door. I hopped out of my seat and made my way over. I opened it to see a girl around my age standing there. She ingulfed me in a hug and I pulled back. 

        "Willow I'm so glad you're ok! I'm so sorry about yo-"

        "I'm sorry, but do I know you?"  I looked at her confused. I don't remeber ever meeting this girl.

        "It's me Hayley, your best friend for like 3 years." She stared at me with shock. I shook my head and stepped back.

        "Willow who is it?" My dad came to the door and his eyes widdened. 

        "Stay in here." He pushed me back then went outside and shut the door. I went over to the window and watched them talk, I could only make out a few things. 

        "Look I'm sorry, but she probably doesn't remember you because of the crash." 

        "But she has to! i can't lose her." The girls eyes started watering. My dad asked her to leave and came back in. I ran to the couch and sat down.

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