Just a dream?

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"I'm scared." I whispered to the blurred face as we ran through a dark forest. The forest was dense and gloomy scrubs hid dangerous creatures. The musty air was difficult to breathe. The forest was old and otherworldly. It had the feeling that I've been there before.
"It's going to be okay!" The blurred face man said as he grabbed my hand and we ran faster. Something was chasing us. It was almost like a demon, with his bright red beaming eyes stared right at us as we ran, his shadowing self lifted his enormous feet and threw himself at us, he missed. The fangs, the fangs were sharper then a knife, that glistened in the moonlight. Horns that were twisted and wicked.
            It seemed as though we were running for hours. I turned around and the demon creature had disappeared. Leaving us dumbfounded,
           "Where did it go!" I yell at the blurred man. So terrified I was trembling with tears running down my face. Why was I crying? All of a sudden the creature started running at us from a distance, and the blurred man grabbed me and we ran faster than before.
           The demon creature caught up to us with its speed. The creature grabbed me and sprouted evil dark wings. It flapped its wings we flew up into the night sky. That was lit up by the bright full moon. The blurred man also sprouted evil dark wing and flew after us. He started to attack the demon creature. But the demon kicked him in the head knocking him out. His wings dropped like a cats ears when it's sad, and he fell out of the sky.
"No!" I screamed reaching out my hand to try and catch him. But he was to far away. The demon creature flew higher into the sky, higher than the skyscraper. Then he let me go....


I'm sorry this part is short this is just a dream after all... or is it???

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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