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The Complex or the terror of the Imperial HQ was in the sky with every single Stormtrooper, Pilot, Officer and the leader of the Lothal forces Governor Pryce. "Sabine its all you." This is for Kanan and Ezra." The HQ was in explosions, fire and debris falls from the sky onto the planetary shields. The people and animals of this planet are free. Kallus speaks up, "General the people are with you." Crowds and crowds of people lined up in the streets and on top of buildings waving at us and applause we can from all the way in the sky. Hera and the rest of us look at the people rallying up and capturing the imperials in the streets. A shuttle with two tie fighters escorts are in attempting to escape. Hera yells, "Take a vase of action." We fly into the atmosphere, (boom) noises fired which were the shots form the cannons on the ghost. The ties were gone. The shuttle falling from the sky! Hera takes a 290 degrease flip. Hondo asks, "Captain Syndulla, oops my bad sorry General. Can we land please, I need my treasure these people owe me! I helped liberate them." Zeb and I laugh, "I knew you would want something out of this Hondo." I say. "Oh sabine my dear I always need something." We land in the middle of the Capital city where the once powerful empires base of operations were. The loading ramp opens and all of us, Mart, Kallus, Zagau, Hondo, Wolf, Rex, Melch, Ketizu, Zeb, Hera and I walk out. The people are surrounded us and cheer! More and more laughter and applause came our way. "Thank you, thank you so much." Said the little girl. My name is Hera what's your name?" The girl answered, "My name is Liz." I bend down and tell the girl you are free, live your life the way you want. The empire is never coming back to enslave you all ever again. We will make sure of that." Zeb and Rex looked at me and said, "Were going to find Ezra I promise."  I knew in my heart that Ezra is somewhere and that I would find him. That he is alive and out there somewhere. And the. We walked the streets of this city that is ours. The force will be with us always. That is what Kanan and Ezra would say.

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