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Hello! My name's Anisha. I love Mike wheeler and I think Will Byers is the most precious boy in the world. I hope he gets happiness in season 3.

So for this fic, I am going to pretend this is after the Snowball, and Will realises he has feelings for Mike.

I think Byler is adorable. But to be honest I completely ship Mileven in  the show even if Eleven and Mike haven't had a full conversation yet. But I love them. I'm sorry. I ALSO think Byler has is amazing and has chemistry. I love them.

I don't sexualize the actors. Completely aganist that. They are kids. If you are looking for smut. Well sweetie. Look somewhere else be cause that is NOT going to be found here. I'm just doing a cute fanfic for Byler. Very angsty? I don't know.

Also. I'm Canadian so my spelling may be off I apologize in advance.

Feel free to follow me on twitter; ( i go by) @badassbyler @finnskataboi and @jugheadsvixen usually. Those are my main @'s sorry!!! I save so many. Oops.

Anywho. I hope you enjoy this. I personally think its cute af. But who am I to judge? Right Karen! See for yourself. :)

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