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There in front of her was Parsons, and her first instinct was to be rude, but she calmed herself. "Hello Ziva!" He said quite happily. "Hello, may I help you?" "Yes Ziva, I want to let you know that there is something I need to give you, that i had kept, but before, I want to say sorry that I treated you the way I did." Ziva smiled and asked, "what is it that you have?" Parsons pulled out a photo, of her, Tali and Ari, and smiled. "I thought you might like this." She hugged him and said, " thank you, I really needed this." With that he left.

As she walked to the restroom, somebody grabbed her wrist. She turned and saw Tony.

Tony looked at her, soaking in all her features and said "Ziva, I hope you understand that I have a girlfriend, that I am committed to, and I would prefer you not to insult her, when I talk to you. Okay?" Ziva looked at him and said, " Tony, please let go. I have no reason to insult her, and I hope I at least get considered to be invited to the wedding whenever you propose to her." "Who ever said I want to get married?" Tony asked her questionably. "Tony people are in committed relationships so that they can get married, and I'm happy for you," and just as she was about to say something else, her phone buzzed. She was shocked when she saw it and her face blanked. Adam, who she hadn't seen in a while sent her a message saying, "Hey Ziva, Abby sent me a text to contact you, and ask you to a date, so here I go, will you have dinner with me at 8?"

Ziva was hesitant, but went off to find Abby, with a shocked face, and Tony yelled, "Zi, what's wrong?" She kept walking. "Ziva, can you tell me what's wrong?" She looked at him and said, "I have to talk to Abby." Tony went to other way but then he decided to follow Ziva and figure out what Abby had been up to.

Ziva had been surprised, and at first she was angry, but then thinking about Tony and how he said he was committed to Carli, so he wouldn't have been jealous and upset this time if she got together with Adam. She had made her way to the lab, and by now she was smiling like an idiot and quickly responded "yes" to Adam. Abby looked relieved when she saw Ziva smiling. "So I take it your okay with it?" Abby asked. "At first I wasn't, but know to think of it, I like it, and I said yes, so thank you Abby." Tony was listening at the door, and wondered, what did she say yes to? "Ziva, do you have an outfit for tonight?" Abby thought out loud. "Well, I have this black dress, but it has some memories that I don't want to have to relive, from Berlin. You know with the car crash and all." Ziva said, which was partially true, but it was really about Tony. "Well Ziva, go but a dress! Get one that Adm will surely love, and don't forget he will be waiting for you here at 8!" Ziva hugged Abby and walked out, and so Tony, walking towards the elevator, and smiled at him.

Tony broke inside. He had tried to act all tough towards Ziva, but that just led her to go on a date with Adam. He had to fix this, but then he thought, what if I just forced her to move on?

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