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This was a mistake, Gerard thought to himself. What the hell had he been thinking? No, that was the problem, he hadn't been thinking. He never thought. Especially when it came to Patrick.

When he first befriended Patrick, back in the summer, Mikey told him Pete had a thing for him. He had told him not to mess with the crazy, lopsided love triangle the three of them had been involved in for the past year, even if it meant that Mikey would have to watch Pete run off into the sunset with Patrick.

But, Gerard couldn't help himself. He couldn't help but take an interest in Patrick, and the way his eyes lit up whenever he saw him, the way they could talk forever. Patrick was just, well, everything Gerard could ever hope for. He as sure as hell knew that his own (ex?) boyfriend, Frank, wasn't interested in him anymore, the lack of notice he took to anything Gerard did made that very clear. And now, here he was, lying in bed with Patrick, who was curled into a tight little ball right next to him, still fast asleep.

I could make a run for it, Gerard thought. I could just go home and we could pretend this never happened. Frank would be none the wiser, Pete wouldn't ever know...

"Patrick!" Shit. There was Pete, banging on the door, and he probably wasn't going to leave until he got an answer. Gerard swallowed the lump that was building in his throat. He could always climb out the window...

"Hey, Gerard." Gerard almost jumped out of his skin when he saw that Patrick was awake, smiling up at him rather sheepishly. His heart stopped beating and sank to the pit of his stomach. There was no turning back now.

He tried to force a smile, "Hey, Patrick."

Pete kept rapping at the door like a puppy left in the rain, "Are you awake yet?! It's noon!"

"Go away, Pete!" Patrick yelled. "I'll be out there in a minute!"

"Hurry up!" Gerard's heart beat in tune to Pete's footsteps retreating into the kitchen. Patrick rolled his eyes.

"I guess we're gonna have to deal with that a lot more now, huh?" he said as he slid out of the bed, leaving Gerard tucked securely under the covers. "Are you gonna stay there all day?"

Gerard got out of bed rather slowly, staring at Patrick as he got dressed back into the clothes he had worn last night. He didn't seem to regret anything, which relaxed Gerard a bit. And yet, something still felt off. Maybe it was just the fact that he never thought this would happen, that he'd never imagined Patrick having any feelings toward him, much less returning them.

"Are you staring at me for a reason?"
Patrick was grinning at him through a heavy blush, but Gerard was sure his was much deeper. He walked over to Gerard and kissed him, caressing the side of his face with his hand. When he pulled away, he smiled again, still slightly red in the face.

"I still can't believe this is happening." Patrick definitely wasn't regretting last night, then. Maybe this wouldn't be so bad after all, Gerard thought, after all, he was there.

Gerard quickly changed his mind when Patrick took his hand and led him out into the kitchen. Shit. What's Pete gonna think about this...?

"Morning, sunshine!" Pete grinned as they walked up to the kitchen counter. "Want some coffee-?"

He choked on the last word as he looked up to see Patrick tugging Gerard by the hand. Pete swallowed, the color draining from his face.

"Hey, Gerard," he said weakly. He cleared his throat, which sounded really dry for someone who had just drank two full cups of coffee, "I thought you went home."

"Nope." Patrick beamed as he took a seat at the counter, "He spent the night with me."

Gerard took a seat next to him, awkwardly looking up at Pete, who's face was a strange blend of surprise and devastation. Patrick seemed blissfully unaware of the tension in the room. As much as Gerard liked him, he had to admit that, for better or for worse, Patrick was one of the most oblivious people on the planet.

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