Laws of Kosulse

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So before I tell you about The Origins of everything, you'll need an understanding of the life-force behind it: Kosulse.

Kosulse is the energy of everything, living or not, and exists in multiple forms and frequencies. If you can alter Kosulse, (which will be addressed a bit later), you can very well change the very fabric of our reality. Some call it Magic, but magic is merely a form of controlling and manipulating different frequencies of Kosulse.

Erinn is better at explaining it, so I'll let him write for a bit. Take it away bro!

An interesting introduction, Nylez. Thank you.

Well, hello readers. As my brother said, I'm going to go into more detail about Kosulse, and the rules that govern our world. It may be boring to some of you, but it's important information that will help you understand our world and our ways of living. So, let's begin.

First, let's start with the basics: Physics. Specifically, our Laws of Physics.

Law One:

Everything is made up of Kosulse, in different forms and frequencies. Kosulse can be manipulated. Thus, everything can be manipulated.

That was pretty self-explanatory.

Law Two:

The greater a force, the more power you must channel to change that force.

This law ties in with Law One and is one of the most important Laws we have (though all our Laws are important). I will give an example as to why, and how these two Laws work together.

Say, for instance, you want to float a few feet in the air. You would have to counteract and overpower the force that keeps you on the ground (gravity) with more force (channeling Kosulse) at a constant rate to keep yourself afloat. If it helps you any, think of it like a weighing scale. (You could also transform an entire ocean into land, in theory, but the amount of power that takes would kill everyone who attempted it. Equivalent Exchange and all that, y'know. -Nylez)

Anyway, moving on.

Law Three:

Cause always precedes effect.

This Law has always held true, with the exception of manipulating the passage of Time itself. So far, the only known people to have achieved the manipulation of Time are the Elfingar, though they haven't divulged any of their secrets to me. Yet.

Law Four:

An object will stay at a constant rate unless acted upon by an outside force.

This final Law, as you can probably guess, ties in with Laws One and Two. The manipulation of Kosulse is the combined use of the Four Laws (except Time manipulation).

Now then, I think I explained enough about our Physics system. Now, it is time to turn our attention to the Magic system.

To use magic, you must do, be, or have at least one of these:

1. An item that manipulates Kosulse in some way (i.e a talisman)

2. Bind yourself to a deity or other being that can manipulate Kosulse, allowing both you and the being to share that ability; however, the being is the one who decides how much manipulative power you receive (i.e a blood pact)

3. Be bestowed with manipulation of Kosulse from a higher power as a gift or blessing

4. Share a bloodline with a being or beings that can manipulate Kosulse; the more direct the bloodline, the greater the likelihood/power you will possess from those beings

When you combine the Magic system with the Four Laws, then just about anything you can conceive, with enough power, is possible.

I think that just about does it for an explanation. I have to go back to my research now.

Thank you, Erinn! We might add more about Kosulse later, but for now, we'll leave you with the basics.


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