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The Next Morning.

Audrey's P.O.V.

I woke up but hesitated to open my eyes. I could tell the sunshine was already shining brightly. I eased my eyes open and groaned.

"Wake up Drey I've been sitting here for about 3 hours bored to death."

I knew that voice anywhere ... Paisely.

I pushed my head into the pillow then stretched out for a few seconds then sat up facing Paisely.

"What do you need Paisely?" I questioned my eyes half way open.

"I want to say sorry for last night ... I shouldn't have even asked you to spend time with your friends when I knew your ex would be involved." She apologized.

"It's not your fault Paisely, I've pushed my friends away over a dumb boy. We're adults now & I need to grow up ... I want to go." I blurted out.

"Are you sure?" She doubted.

"Yes Paisely stop doubting me ... I just want my friends back." I admitted.

"Okay ... we can hang out today if you want?" She suggested.

"That's fine." I said nervously.

Prince's P.O.V.

"Karmen the attitude is getting old." I said jogging downstairs with her following behind me.

"The only reason I have an attitude is because the bills aren't getting paid." She sassed back.

"Look how about you go get a job and support us both and see how it feels! The reason is because Chres broke his leg , he can't do shows which you must not understand!" I yelled.

"Okay I get that but-"

"I don't even know why I'm still with you." I chuckled interrupting her.

An expression of pain went all across her face.

"You don't mean that." she stammered.

"Sure, whatever makes you sleep at night." I mumbled climbing up the stairs back to the bedroom.

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