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Talons pov
I woke up in a strange place but I then recognized the coloring and I saw a figure I soon lost forget the man I love try and guess who and his name is yep Lord Megatron and this is his human form -

Talons povI woke up in a strange place but I then recognized the coloring and I saw a figure I soon lost forget the man I love try and guess who and his name is yep Lord Megatron and this is his human form -

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Optimus is the same you can guess who's optimus and whose Megatron in these pictures ☝️
I smiled and tried getting up but my lover didn't want me too he just lightly pushed me back down. He lifted my head and my head was on His lap and he was stroking my head and singing yes singing well more like humming a lullaby to me -

It soon soothed me to sleep and he layed my head back to were it was , he then undressed himself and finally layed beside me and wrapped his song arms around me and I scooted closer to him. He smiled a little and I opened one eye he was already asleep and so I moved his hair towards the side so it doesn't scratch him.
Next morning -
I woke up ( still in talons pov ) and took a shower and I got dressed into this -

Next morning - I woke up ( still in talons pov ) and took a shower and I got dressed into this -

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The cheetah is a wallet just so you know.
I eventually got out and put my clothes on and I saw my lover still asleep and so I quietly walked over and kisses his cheek and in 2 seconds flat he was up and he had a dark blush on his cheeks and he looked away and I hugged him and said " oh is my Lord mad at his lover hmm?" He 'tch' and got up and got dressed but also took a shower before he got dressed so yea. I saw him change into this -

He smelled very nice and so I kissed him again but this time on the lips and he kissed back it almost got real if it wasn't for starscream knocking on my lords door saying Soundwave needed him

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He smelled very nice and so I kissed him again but this time on the lips and he kissed back it almost got real if it wasn't for starscream knocking on my lords door saying Soundwave needed him. He sighed and looked at me and Saw my upset look and he kissed me once again and said " I'll see you later talon." I nodded and almost felt my heart leap out of my chest. I quickly got up and went to Soundwave........................................................he was kissing my lover?! I ran away crying and I went to the only other person I trusted who was surprisingly arachinid. I even told her not to tell my Lord where I was , not after seeing that show go down. I heard yelling and small growls and hissing but it led up but when I opened the door I found arachinid on the floor with blood coming out of her arm and so I called knockout and he fixed her up , but I was beyond happy I was fucking pissed with Megatron so the thing the did was to straight to his room and did what no one wouldn't have ever done was knock on his door. He opened it and pulled me inside and hugged me but I was very pissed and so I pushed him away from me saying " WHAT THE HELL! First you say you love me, t-then I catch you and Soundwave kissing, and now you go and hurt my friends if this is the real you than I don't know why I fell in love with someone as hurtful as you goodbye." I then slammed his door shut and walked away then I bumped into Soundwave and I said " treat him better than I can and groundbridge me out of this place." He nodded and opened up one and I said " and Soundwave don't tell him were I'm at." He just nodded and turned and I did the same walking into the portal and as soon as it closes I fell to my knees crying.
2 hours later ~
I woke up to the sound of growling and I turn and see a wild white wolf and since I'm good with animals I held my hand out and this is what the wolf looked like -

 2 hours later ~I woke up to the sound of growling and I turn and see a wild white wolf and since I'm good with animals I held my hand out and this is what the wolf looked like -

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But yea and he didn't have a collar on so I got out my collar -

But yea and he didn't have a collar on so I got out my collar -

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I named him - Claude because why not. So Claude and I walked around town and I realized were back home and so I walked straight towards my house but no one was their but I saw a not on the refrigerator door and it said : to our lost son we hope you find this and if you do than that means we already left for our vacation the mansion is yours take care of it the servants are asleep since their all demons and stuff. But we will be back soon but if were not than keep going on without us - from your family. All I did was party but quietly because of the maids,chefs,butlers,gardeners, and etc.
Next day ~
I woke up and the first thing that I heard was a screech oh god here we go again.
A/N - sup guys tell me if you liked this and if so leave a like or a comment or both why not because you'll be winging it till the end bye.

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