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Authors note: Comment what you think needs improvement and what you like! I appreciate you putting time to read my story! Thanks!


There was a down pour in Apache Juntion, Arizona. The first time in a long time that Savanna saw rain. After her parents left she lived with her grandparents and her older brother in a retirement town. She can't figure out why they left, or in that matter, how. They would never leave the house during the day or night. They were what you would call town shut-ins. But her grandparents weren't much better. They only left to go to the town bingo 'parties'. Savanna has only been with her grand parents for a month now and already hates it. She does chores well Jacob (her brother) plays his Xbox 360. It's not the fairest life for her, but at least she has a boyfriend.

Chapter 1


I moan in disappointment as I realize tomorrow's the first day of school. It's 7pm in Arizona which where she used to live, it would be 9 pm. I miss my old friends. I miss my parents. But also if I never would have moved, I wouldn't have ever met Bradley. Bradley might be hard to understand to other people but, I mean, he was so shy when I first met him. Now he says what ever he wants. My one and only friend, Kennedy doesn't even like him. Kennedy is unique but I love her. We met at the community pool. Turns out she live with her grandparents too because her parents lost custody.

"Savanna!!" My grandma calls from the kitchen. "Yes?" I yell back."Come in here and unload the dish washer!" I walk to the dish washer. I open it up and see a big pink box. "Grandma?! What is this??" I say smiling that she remembered and I give her a hug. "Sweetie I know it's tomorrow but I couldn't wait" She squeals. "You know you didn't have too" I say and let her go. "Oh sush. you work hard. Aren't you gonna open it?" she asks and I nod. I rip off the paper. In the big box there was a small box. I take that out and opened it. "Grandma!" I say as I pull out a beautiful old looking necklace. "What? I got this for my sixteenth birthday" I hug her tightly then she put the necklace on me. "Don't ever take this off, okay?" she says then I nod. "I won't" I reply then go look into the mirror. It's glowing, why? I wonder. "Grandma?!" I yell. Then it slowly fades away. She opens the door. "Yes darling?" she asks. "Nevermind. I thought it was glowing, I guess not." Her eyes get wide. "You have it" "Have what?" I ask as she starts walking away. "Nothing sweetie" She says. Why won't she tell me? Maybe she meant I have my necklace? Oh well, I'll ask in the morning.


I wake up and my heads spinning. I feel like it will explode or something. I walk into the kitchen "Grandma, can I have an Advil?" I ask. "I'm sorry, no sweetie. The pain only lasts for about an hour." How does she know so much about this?

I walk to my room to decide what to wear. I pick out a light pink tank top and my light washed jean shorts. I leave my hair straight as it is naturally and start to put on mascara.

When I'm done there's a knock on the door. Perfect timing too. I open it to see Jacob holding a small long box. "Happy Birthday Savanna!" He yells and I hug him. "Thank you" I say and step back. I open it to see and expensive looking bracelet. "How did you ever buy this?!" I ask. "Well I've been saving up for it." I hug him, "Thank you so much I love it." I put it on and instantly get this shock of like electricity or something. It's gone now and so is Jacob. He's only thirteen, how did he ever get enough money, he doesn't have a job or allowance. Oh well I need to go, it's 7:55 and school starts at 8:30 but I want to be there at 8 to socialize.

I go to the kitchen and look out the window and see Bradley sitting in his car. I grab a granola bar and go. I get in to his passenger seat. I look over at him wondering if he remembered my birthday. "What are you staring at?" He says in a annoyed voice. "You. You know we're dating right? It's okay to stare." I say. He rolls his eyes and starts driving. "Okay listen, when we get to school we'll walk in like a couple then we'll go our separate ways for the day until the end. Then we'll walk out as a couple." He says and I reply "Or how about you listen. We don't even walk in together or walk out together, I'll get a ride from Kennedy. And how about you stop being an ass." We pull up to the school. "Bye Bradley. Tell me when you grow a brain, Kay?" I say then walk out.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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