Chapter 2

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The three of you ran as fast as you could to Hank's office. Erik, Hank and Charles were already inside.

"Quick! Close the door behind you!" Hank yelled at you as you fell through the doors.

"Who is out there?!" you yelled in a panic as you heard a large bang, followed by the sound of something smashing.

"An extremely powerful man" Charles stated, walking up behind you. "He is here for Erik, he means to kill him".

"Why, what did you do to him Erik?" Havok asked, everyone's eyes darted to Erik's face.

"I left him. He believes I abandoned him, betrayed him" Erik stated, anger filled his face. He then spoke very softly, under his breath and mutter the name, Sebastian Shaw.

The was a loud bang on the door. 

"Come on Erik! Come out, let's play!" Shaw yelled through the door.

Erik gritted his teeth.

"Wait! Where's Logan?" Banshee asked.

"And Raven?!" I added.

"They went after Shaw" Hank replied, taking off his glasses and rubbing his eyes.

The banging ceased and you could hear Shaw walking away. You heard the muffled voices of Raven and Logan.

"Oh no, they wouldn't have?! Would they?" you cried.

"I believe they have" Charles said, turning his face to the floor. 

Logan and Raven had attempted to take Shaw on themselves. You heard a crash behind you. The six of you ran over to the window on the other side of Hank's office and pulled back the curtains. You could see Shaw, Raven, Logan and someone else out there, a young girl a blonde girl who you couldn't quite make out. You pressed your face against the wall.

"Oh God, Tabitha!" you yelled.

Tabitha Smith or "Boom-Boom", she could produce plasma balls, fiery energy blasts. She was quite powerful but hadn't learnt full control yet.

She began throwing the energy blasts at Shaw's chest. It looked as though he was just absorbing them, each hit nudged Shaw's shoulder, but he kept walking towards them all. Logan ran up to him and stabbed him in chest with his claws. He pushed Logan and he was thrown back a great distance. Raven the same when she ran to him and launched herself over his head, wrapping her arms tight around his neck. Tabitha continued throwing the large fiery blasts. Suddenly Shaw stopped right in front  of her.

"Sweetheart, I really wish you would stop doing that" he said, stroking her face gently.

She had a look of disgust on her face.

"Go to hell". She began generating a huge amount of plasma energy and then powerfully placed both her hands on Shaw's chest and passed it through his body and he was thrown to the ground. We all cheered in a sigh of relief, until Shaw stood up. He began laughing.

He walked over to Tabitha and placed a hand on either side of her head. He smiled wickedly at her.

"I tried to tell you." Shaw held Tabitha Tightly and the energy from Tabitha's blast rippled through his arms and along his fingers, filling Tabitha's head and moving down her body, she was glowing red. Suddenly she seized up and fell to the ground.

Shaw shot you a look, looking each one of you in the eyes with a dark expression. All of a sudden, a red, devil looking creature appeared and placed his hands on Shaw and again disappeared. 

"Teleporter" Erik Scoffed.

"Ta..Tabitha" you stuttered falling to the ground.



Hope you guys enjoy this chapter! Let me know what you think! I really want to take this story in the right direction :)

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