Ugly Faces

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' Jimin !' Yoongi yelled. ' I don't care who she is, I just want to know why you both are in my kitchen!'

Jimin scratched his neck, as the girl stepped awkwardly from one foot to the other.

Jimin was about to responed, when Yoongi's gaze fell on his White shirt.

' Did you Piss of or what ?'

' N-No Hyung.'

The girl who had stared at the floor, raised her eyes and looked at Yoongi shyly.

' I-I leave y-you two a-alone. I'm sorry for disturbing you.'

She bowed and was about to left when suddenly Jimin took her hand and stoppend her.

' Girl, you will not leave me alone with that.'

' Oh...Well, yes I do. Bye, Jimin !'

She waved and ran quickly out of Yoongi's apartment.

When the girl disappeared, Yoongi's eyes went wide when he saw his kitchen line.

' The Hell did you two do ?!'

' Yoongi looked with disbelief at the broken eggs, which were everywhere.

' Well... You know the project "flying eggs " ? '

' The Hell Jimin! Why did you destroyed for this all my eggs ? I swear, I want to punch you so hard in your Face !'

' Atleast we made Porridge for you.'

Jimin smiled lightly.

' Do you seriously think, Porridge change my mood? '

Jimin's smile disappeared.

' N-No, of course not, Hyung.'

Yoongi sighed deeply.

From all the yelling ached his throat and his head again.

Jimin looked at him worriedly.

' Go back to bed, Hyung. I'll clean everything and make you soup and a hot towel.'

' How do you know such things ?'

' Well... the girl who ran so fast out of here told me.'

' Whatever...I'll go back to bed.'

' Alright, I'll give you your Porridge after I cleaned up.'

' Your Porridge sucks, Jimin. Do you really want to poison me ?'

Jimin looked at him lightly sadly.

' Don't worry, Hyung ! She cooked it for you.'

' Seriously ? I don't even know her.'

' She don't even know you too.'

' Whatever.'

Yoongi was about to leave the kitchen, when he looked back to Jimin.

' Jimin ?'

' Yeah ?'

' You should ask Jungkookie if he gives the girl painting lessons, that are really ugly faces on the eggs. One of them looks like a zombie.'

' I draw them, Hyung !'

' worse.'

Yoongi walked to his bedroom and lay down.

He heard Jimin cleaning up the kitchen.

He closed his eyes and went back to the dreamland.

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