Seeing You Again

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"Come on, you bums!" Will hollered, clomping through the room. He nudged Cooper, and flat-out kicked Bo as he passed by each one of them. Cooper, who'd been curled up on the couch, stretched and yawned, the blanket slipping down to his waist and exposing his bare chest. Bo, who'd been sprawled across the floor, jerked awake and yelped when Will's foot made contact with his side. "Time to get a move on! You're burning daylight!"

"In what universe is six in the morning considered burning daylight?" Cooper yelled, tossing a pillow over his head and rolling over. The oath he muttered was muffled against the pillow.

"How did I end up on the floor?" Bo moaned, popping his neck as he sat up. Rubbing his eyes, he looked out the window, and noted the position of the sun--or lack of sun. "Will, it's too early in the morning to do anything productive!" He threw himself back on the floor, covering his head with his arms.

"That boy never did like getting up early," Shawna giggled, as the sizzling of bacon reached the ears in the living room. The smell was even better.

Both men in the living room sat straight up, their eyes widening in excitement. Their eyes met as the two fools grinned and cheered, "Bacon!" Tossing the blankets and pillows off their bodies, they raced into the kitchen and sat at the table, wide awake.

"Here," Shawna laughed, setting a plate of bacon and biscuits down between the men. "Eat up. You've got a long day ahead of you two."

Cooper bit into his bacon, sighing happily. "Shawna, if you ever get sick of Will, you can come marry me and cook for me all you want to."

Will jokingly slapped Cooper's head, sitting beside him. "She'll be mine forever, kiddo. Sorry to break your heart." Cooper shrugged, taking another piece of bacon as more of an apology. Bo grinned at two of his favorite men, somehow knowing the two of them would get along. Will had taken a liking to Cooper the minute they met. Bo suspected it was because somehow, the men were almost exactly alike.

"So, when exactly do you two plan to go see Safe Haven?" Shawna asked, sitting down next to Bo.

"The meeting is around noon," Bo answered, buttering a biscuit as Will dug into a plate of scrambled eggs. Bo turned away from the plate. He hated eggs. "I was thinking we get there ten to fifteen minutes early. We don't know how busy the owner will be."

"Oh, I'm sure you're in for a surprise," Will coughed, wincing as Shawna kicked him under the table. Bo and Cooper didn't even catch anything weird about that. Bo figured maybe Will was up to his usual nonsense, still trying to make Shawna blush in front of anybody.

Cooper set his fork down with a loud clatter, looking up from his plate of eggs. "Shawna, are you sure you don't want to ditch Will and marry me? Because if not, I'll have to marry this plate of eggs."

Shawna blushed, burrying her face in her hands as she laughed. Bo bit back a grin as Will clubbed Coop. That had little to no effect on Cooper; he just sat there and grinned, pleased with the chaos he caused. Frustrated, Will reached in front of Cooper, stealing his plate of eggs and bacon.

"No! My back-up wife and my lover have been kidnapped!" Cooper wailed, attempting to reach around Will to reach his food. Will kept the plate away from Cooper without spilling anything.

"Boy, just how many women do you need in your life?" Will questioned, handing the plate back to him. Protectively, Cooper grabbed the plate and wrapped and arm around his food, shielding it from Will as he continued eating. Swallowing a mouthful of bacon, he replied, "Until Shawna agrees to marry me, I need as much as I can get."

Shaking his head, Bo dropped his plate in the sink. He stepped back into the living room, tugging on the shirt he wore the day before. As he walked outside, he tugged on his jacket, bitterly shaking against the cold, frostbitten air. He made his way out to his grandparents' stables, hoping to get a look at the new foal.

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