Chapter 6

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"I know you're awake Mia." Selina leaned against the door frame. "Bruce said that he's been going out every night. He waits for hours on that rooftop for you, but you never show up." She sighed. "I know that I'm not your mother, but I'm telling you that you have to go out at some point. Maybe you should go to Toni's today... I know you missed going last week."

Mia didn't stir, but silently considered Selina suggestion. Maybe a little exercise will help her get her mind off things.

Selina sighed. "Fine. I'm going out. I'll be back soon."

Mia heard Selina walk to the front door and pause before walking out and shutting it behind her. Mia rolled onto her back and stared at the ceiling. Internally battling with herself about whether to go to the gym or stay in bed. Her stomach growled, telling her to get up, if not to go to the gym, then at least to eat something. She sat up in bed and saw Salem staring at her from across the room, silently judging her, she thought. She glared daggers at him and he trotted away. She scoffed and swung her legs over the edge of the bed. She stretched as usual, popping her shoulders and cracking her back, and made her way to the kitchen. Selina had made coffee and luckily, there was still some left. Mia poured herself a mug and leaned against the counter, drinking silently. The internal war raged on and eventually she put the cup down and sighed. She bit the inside of her cheek and tapped her nails on the counter, thinking about what she should do. She didn't want to go out, she might see him again and she really didn't want that... but then again, the chances of seeing him where slim. The gym was only a few blocks away and he still didn't know what she looked like. She smiled to herself.

It's not like he goes to that gym. I've been going there for at least a year and I have never seen him anywhere near there.

Happy with the outcome of her internal war, Mia finished her coffee and grabbed something to eat before going back to her room. She packed in her workout clothes into a tog bag and put on a jeans and t shirt before leaving the apartment. She walked down the street, keeping her head down and a firm grip on her tog bag. It was a weekday so the streets were busy. There were lots of people walking on the sidewalk and lots of cars on the road. Mia let her mind wander as she walked to the gym. She thought about how she acted on the rooftop that night and felt regretful, yet she was extremely angry with Tim for placing that tracker on her. She was torn between wanting to say sorry and wanting to slap him.
She arrived at the gym sooner than she expected. She opened the big wooden door and stepped inside. The air was warm and she could hear muffled music and coming from the main gym area. She stepped up to the counter and leaned over it. The first thing she saw was a head of curly dark brown hair. She reached over and grabbed a curl, pulling on it gently and then letting it go. She smiled as she watched it bounce back and her smile grew when her amber eyes were met by warm brown ones.

"Hello Toni." She grinned.

"Hey Mia." He smiled as he got up from his seat behind the counter. "I was wondering when you were gonna show up." He walked around the counter and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, engulfing her body in a tight hug. "How've you been?" He asked once he let go of her.

"Alright." She managed to choke out once she refilled her lungs.

Toni's gaze shifted as he watched a pretty brunette walk past. Mia turned her head to see what he was looking at. The brunette looked over to Toni and waved at him, blushing slightly. He gave her a warm smile and waved back. Mia looked back at him with lidded eyes and a blank expression.

"Have you asked her out yet?" Mia asked him.

Toni shook his head vigorously. Mia sighed and face palmed.

"Honestly, Toni." She said. "You look like you could squeeze water out of a rock," She poked his firm chest, aiming the comment at his muscle mass. "But you're a big softie... Not that it's a bad thing, you just need to be a tad more confident."

He gave her a sheepish smile. "Maybe you could help me?"

She frowned. "How?"

"Well, my dad is taking over later, so maybe we could go for coffee and you could give me some tips?" He sounded very unsure.

"I'm not the best person to give advice about these sorts of things, Toni." Mia gave him sympathetic look. "You probably have more dating experience than I do."

"I just don't know what to say to her." He shrugged.

She turned to him and gave him the same lidded-eyed, blank expression as before. "Seriously? You just asked me out for coffee... literally, less than a minute ago. How hard can it be?" She turned to walk away but he followed.

"That's different! You're easy to talk to. Try asking a complete stranger out for coffee."

Mia turned to see him looking at her expectantly. "What? Do you mean now?" She raised both eyebrows at him.

Toni smiled mischievously and looked around for a suitable candidate. "There." He subtly gestured to a guy across the room, drinking out of a water bottle. "I've seen him watching you a few times when you use the treadmill."

"Creepy..." Mia muttered under her breath.

"Go ask him out for coffee." Toni crossed his arms over his massive chest.

"No." She said simply.

"Wha-... No? Go." Toni insisted.

"No." She crossed her arms over her chest. "You know that I'm awkward human being. Also, I'd rather not talk to strange men that watch me while I'm on the treadmill." She internally cringed. "I'm not all that good at talking to guys..." She trailed off.

"You talk to me. How hard can it be?" He grinned.

"You're easy to talk to." She mocked, grinning back. Her grin faded to a light smile and she sighed, rolling her eyes. "Fine. I'll help, but only if you're buying."

He chuckled. "Of course. What guy takes a girl out and doesn't pay for her."

"See! You don't need my help. You're already a sweetheart." She winked at him.

They started moving towards the gym area.

"So what are you working on today? Cardio or are you gonna spend some time on the beam?" Toni asked as he walked beside her.

"Well, now that you've pointed out that guy that was watching me; I think I'll stay away from treadmill for a while." She giggled.

"Gymnastics it is!" He said enthusiastically. "I'll leave you too it then." He stopped walking. "It is unlocked and lucky for you, it's empty." He called after her. "Just like the rest of this place..." He muttered under his breath.

Mia walked into the room that held the gymnastics equipment. It was a dimly lit room with a high ceiling and worn wooden floorboards. She flipped the light switch and the lights flickered before coming on fully. This place was old. It had definitely seen better days. Though, Mia liked it that way. The age made it seem quaint and, in a way, more personal. As opposed to a big, expensive gym with fancy memberships and brand name water bottles. Mia would rather stick with this place. Being friends with the owner's son was quite fun too. It was like having a personal trainer that you actually liked and didn't have to pay for. Mia walked across the room and into the adjacent changing rooms. She changed into her workout clothes and walked back into the gymnastics room. She placed her bags just outside the changing rooms' door and moved off to stand in the centre of the practice mats. She popped her earphones into her ears and pressed play before tucking her iPod in a secure pouch in her sports bra. That way, it wouldn't get in her way while she was doing flips and other exercises.
She took a deep breath and let the music take over.
She first stretched, making sure that she was completely warmed up and ready to go before mounting the beam. She started with a few simple kart wheels before doing the more difficult things, like back flips and somersaults. An hour passed. She was so focused on what she was doing, that she didn't notice when Toni poked his head in to check on her. He slowly pushed the door open and stood in the doorway, arms crossed over his chest.

"There she is." He spoke in a hushed voice. Toni watched as Mia moved on the bar with the skill that only Olympic level gymnasts possessed. No matter how many times he saw her do this, he was always impressed. "She's amazing." Toni said proudly.

"Yeah... She is..."

Mia nearly fell off the bar but caught herself just in time. She recognized that voice. She sat on the beam, breathing heavily and staring at the mats on the floor in front of her. She heard the clang of the bell that was on the front desk.

"I'll be right back." Toni hurried out of the room and disappeared.

Mia's eyes narrowed as she heard him come closer. She stayed seated on the bar, her glare burning a hole in the mat and her chest heaving as she tried to catch her breath.

"So your name is Mia?" He asked.

"Dammit, Toni..." She muttered. She took a deep breath and hopped off the beam. "How did you find me?" She looked up, finally meeting Tim's gaze.

He looked concerned. The usual glint of cheekiness in his eye was gone, replaced with sincerity and something else. Guilt? She wasn't sure.

"Selina told me." The tone of his voice was softer as well. "She said she was tired of you avoiding me."

Mia scoffed and rolled her eyes. Tim looked at her, straight into her eyes. The guy was right. They were gold. The proper term being Amber, but he liked gold better. Mia frowned at him for staring into her eyes like that. He just realized that he was staring and looked down with a sigh.

Mia spoke first. "Tim..." She began.

His eyes shot up to meet hers. "How do you know my name?" He frowned.

"Selina told me." She tried to hide the smirk that tugged at the corner of her mouth. She almost felt like they were getting even... almost.

He noticed the smirk creeping onto her lips and subtly returned it.

"Look..." She began again. "I'm sorry for the way that I acted on the rooftop..." She stared at the floor, feeling guilty and not wanting to meet his gaze. "I realize now that I was being irrational." She suddenly felt the guilt fall away and be replaced by frustration. "But that doesn't mean I forgive you for placing that tracker on me!" She punched his arm hard enough to cause pain but not serious damage.

He hung his head in shame. "I know, and I'm sorry too. I just wanted to know who you where so that I could find you again... In case I needed to protect you."

"Well now you know." She moved to grab her bag. "I don't need your protection, Tim." She shot him quick glare. "I can take care of myself." She muttered as she walked past him.

He sighed but let her go. He didn't want to upset her any further. He watched her walk to the door and stop. She glanced down and waited for him to say something, but nothing came. She sighed softly and walked out. She made her way to the front where she noticed that Toni was missing. She heard a crash come from the main gym area and ran towards it. She saw Toni on the floor, unconscious and a guy standing over him. He turned to face Mia.

"You're next Kitty." He grinned devilishly.

She felt her body switch to Catwoman mode and she dodged the punch coming at her face. She crouched down and swept his leg out from under him. He crashed to the floor and Mia pounced on him and knocked him out. She quickly crawled over to Toni and examined him. A welt was starting to form on his temple. She tried to wake him up but he wasn't responding. She dug in her bag for her water bottle and squeezed the contents out onto his face. His eyes shot open and he pushed himself up into a sitting position.

"Toni!" She hugged him. "Are you okay?"

"Yeah." He groaned and held his head.

She smiled, relieved that he was okay. "What happened? I thought you could take a punch?"

"I can." He stood up. "But when the punch didn't work he hit me over the head with something." He touched the welt on his head gingerly.

Mia smiled at him and he smiled back. Tim came rushing in and stopped in his tracks when he saw the unconscious guy on the floor and Toni smiling at Mia that way. He pushed his thoughts aside and focused on the important thing.

"Mia." He said breathlessly. "Those were Harvey's guys."

"Those? There are more?" She said as she stepped over the unconscious guy.

"There were more." He smirked.

"How did they know that I was here?" She asked no one in particular.

Tim shook his head. "I don't think they did. I think they might have been following me."

Something told her to head home and she decided to trust her instincts. "Tim?"

"Yeah?" He raised both eyebrows at the worried tone in her voice.

"Could you give me a ride home?"

"Yeah. Sure."

Mia turned to Toni and placed a hand on his shoulder. "I'm going to need a raincheck on that coffee."


Mia rushed into her apartment building and bolted up the stairs, Tim following closely. She stopped at the front door of her and Selina's shared apartment. She noticed that the lock on the door was broken and her heart stopped.

"Selina." She whispered.

She lifted her hand tentatively and pushed the door open. She gasped as she took in the sight before her. The apartment was completely wrecked. The cats that usually populated the area had fled, making the place seem eerily desolate. Mia waded through the destruction. She felt a large lump form in her throat and her eyes started to burn as tears threatened to fall. She stopped when she heard a faint meow.

"Salem." She exhaled.

She called out to him and eventually found him hiding under the couch. She carefully pulled him out and held him in her arms. His leg was bloody and probably broken. She stroked him and felt tears run down her cheeks. Tim walked up to her and placed his arm around her shoulder.

"They took her, Tim." She said with a shaky breath.

"We'll find her and get her back. I promise." Tim squeezed her shoulder reassuringly.

"I need to take Salem to Mrs Powers." Mia shrugged his arm off and rushed out of the door.

"Who is Mrs Powers?" Tim asked as her followed her.

Mia didn't answer. She jogged down the hall, trying not to jostle Salem too much. She stopped at a door and knocked on it lightly. There was shuffling heard on the other side of the door and it was opened soon after. An old lady poked her head out from around the door and her eyes widened when she saw the injured cat in Mia's arms.

"Oh, Amelia my dear." She spoke with the same British accent that Mia had. "What happened."

"I d-don't know." Mia stuttered, trying to hold back her sobs. "I was out and he must've hurt himself." She lied, not wanting to put the old lady in danger by telling her too much. "I didn't know w-what else to do. C-can you please take care of him. There's an emergency that I need to take care of."

"Of course, Deary." Mrs Powers said as she took the cat from Mia.

"Thank you so much." Mia said smiling.

"It's no trouble my dear." She gave Mia a warm smile, and then looked over to Tim, only just noticing him. "Oh. Hello." She smiled at him.

"Hello Ma'am." Tim said with a smile.

"Oh, Amelia. You finally found yourself a boyfriend. He's very handsome." Mrs Powers beamed.

Mia's eyes widened and she felt her face heating up. "Oh. N-no Mrs Powers. He's n-not-"

"You're so cute together." She smiled at the pair.

Mia shoved Tim away, who was smirking like crazy. "I'm sorry Mrs Powers, but we really must be going. Thank you so much for taking Salem. I'll make it up to you, I promise." She waved to the old lady and pushed Tim back to the apartment.

"Not a word." She gritted her teeth and pushed past him to get into the apartment. He raised his hands in surrender and watched as she scanned the apartment. She finally turned to him and sighed. "We need to tell Bruce. I'm sure he'll help... Right?" Her face was painted with a worried expression.

"Yeah, definitely."

"Then let's go." She trotted past him.

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