CHAPTER 2: The First Meeting

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Present Day

Author's POV

Bom was currently working in Hae Gil Hospital as a dietary doctor. She's checking the cooks right now who're cooking for the patients then she checks the lists of the patients who already ate, didn't ate yet and don't want to eat. And this patient from the list got her attention because she was eating irregularly for a week and she did not eat her meal this morning.

Bom's POV

It was 6:00 in the morning now. I was checking the patient lists right now and this grandmother in the list did not eat again. So I decided to visit her to room. I prepare a cup of porridge and a water for her and go to her room together with my friend, Sunny, who is also a dietary doctor. When we came inside her room, she was lying sideward facing back from the door. I approach her as I sigh.

"Grandmother, you have to eat right now. You must not skip your meals so that you'll be not be sick anymore." I said with my comforting voice but then she just look at me and ignored what I say. She didn't even respond any word. I place the meal on the table beside her and sit beside her. I shake her waist lightly.

"Grandmother please. Just five bites"

"I don't want to!" She said annoyingly and looks at me agrily. This can't be. She needs to eat

"Just three bites grandmother. No no, just two bites. Two bites." I get the bowl of porridge and put some on the spoon. "Ahhh~" I say as I approach the spoon near to her mouth but suddenly she get the spoon and throw it. I was shocked and stand from sitting. "Grandmother-!"

"I told you I don't want to eat! I'm just going to wait the time until I die. I don't have patience anymore! I'm staying here for months!" She shouted at me angrily.

"You can't do this grandmother! Be strong enough and have some hope that your illness will cure very soon~" I said back to her.

"How could you know! You don't even feel what I'm feeling right now. You don't even experience yet what I'm experiencing right now! How could you understand me?! Just leave me alone!" She shouted at me again. This time, I can't hold my temper anymore. So I removed my doctor robe and starts to unbuttoned my blouse. "Don't do that here! Bom!" Sunny tries to stop but I won't let her. I want this grandmother see that I experienced and felt her situation before.

"Wh-What do you think y-you're doing?" She said to me with a shocked voice. I only stares at her and shows her the veiw the long scar on my chest.

"Wh-What's that?" The only words she can say as she stares on my scars. Her voice become calm.

"I've been in your situation five years ago. The same illness as yours. I stayed in hospital for 371 days and look, in that 371 days of staying it end up so successful. I was cured! But you- you just want to end your life just because you don't have patience anymore!? How pathetic excuse!" I said to her with a high voice. She looks down and sighs. I buttoned back my shirt and wear back my robe. I sit beside her and caresses her back.

"Grandmother, do you want your children to be sad? Don't you want to meet your future grand daughters? Would you let yourself not able to meet them?" She looks at me with apologizing face.

"I'm sorry for what I've acted." She finnaly said.

"If you're really sorry promise me you'll going to eat all your meals from now on and don't skip any." I answeres back and smiles.

"Okay. I try." She nodded.

"So tell me. What do you want to eat now? I'll promise I'll make one for you."



"I want an Ox meat soup" She shyly said.

"Okay. I'll make you one. Just wait for me grandmother, okay?"

She just nodded and smiles.

Me and Sunny went together to the ox meat shop. The shop will start to open at 7:30 and it was still 7:00. We'll have to wait for 30 minutes and this is better. There are lot of people who'll buy too later so being early is better. We go to the costumers line and waited there. At exactly 7:30, the shop oppened. "Let's go! Let's go" I pulled Sunny I and enter the shop quickly or else we'll be late to go back to the hospital because of the number of costumers here. And I saw workers chopping and separating bones of the ox from the body and it hurts. They might be hurt. So I  close my eyesand clasps the hands. "Thank you for the sacrifice. I hope you all will at peace now." And suddenly Sunny pulls me and take me to the line.

"It's still early but there are already lot of costumers here." said Sunny while looking at the costumers.

"Yes. Because meats here are better than in the other meat shops" I replied.


Author's POV

On the other hand, Ace is working inside the Ox meat shop at the moment. He was the owner of the shop and a owner of Huidon Company which is the best producers of Ox Meats.

Ace's POV

I ate breakfast and take a bath quickly because I have a schedule going to our meat shop in Jeonju. I am living in Udo and it takes almost 1 hour to travel going to Jeonju. I have to check the workers and help them as well. I reach the shop at 7:15. At that time, the shop isn't still open so I help the workers to chop and pack the meats. I wear gloves and mouth mask and start to chop the body of the ox and remove its bones. And suddenly, a woman got my attention. She's watching what I'm doing then I saw her praying. "Thank you for the sacrifice. I hope you all will at peace now" I just smiled of what she act and she's the first one I saw praying for a dead animal. Then I continued what I'm doing. I went to the counter and delivered there the packed meats. "Sir, can you manage this for a while? I have to go to the comfort room right now." Said the cashier. "Sure" I said. "Be quick". I added and manage the counter. I saw the girl again on the counter line and for sure she's going to buy some meat.

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