Chapter 3

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I sat in my car outside of my fiancé's house trying to get the smell of weed out of my clothes. I knew he hated when I smoked. But I have a lot on my mind. I love smoking it keeps me relaxed.

I was nervous. I had just cheated on my love. But what you don't know won't hurt you.

I got out and walked towards the door and unlocked it with my key.

"Charles baby I'm home!" I semi yelled as I walked in. Me and Charles have been dating for about 2 years. We met at a convention down in Boston and since then we hit it off. He is a congress man based here in LA and last year after the engagement I decided to move up here so that i could be closer to him.

"Hey my love" he said as he kissed me on the lips. I pecked him back.

"How was your day" he asked as we walked into the kitchen.

"Um...It was okay I didn't do much. And you?" I asked nervously

"Better now that you're here" he said and smiled. I smiled back kissed his lips.

Charles was a fine ass man and I did love him. He just doesn't excite me. He's so sophisticated, But he's great for my image. But I still loved him he was a very caring understand and sweet man and in about  8 months I was going to be his wife.

"What are you in the mood to eat?" He asked.

"Um I was actually gonna head home. I'm exhausted. I just came to say hi. I told  Aaliyah I was coming home today since I hadn't been there in a couple days. I miss my sister" I said.

"Oh okay baby no problem. I'll see you tomorrow. And remember I love you " He said and kissed my lips.

"I love you too"

I smiled and made my way out the house and to my car. I knew if I stayed We'd have sex.  And i needed to give myself a couple days to recoup from August's massive dick.

I got into my car and sped off to my house. When I pulled up into the drive way I saw my sisters car which indicated that she was home. I got out and made my way to the front door unlocking it.

I walked it and kicked off my heels as I closed the door behind me. I walked into the living room and seen my sister sitting on the couch smoking a blunt.

"Girl let me hit that" I said.

"You Sure? Honorable Judge Amara Matthews" she said. I rolled my eyes.

"Aaliyah shut the fuck up. Today's not the day. I fucked up big time." I said as I sat down next to her snatching the blunt out of her hands.

I took a couple of puffs inhaling it deeply. I really wanted the weed to hit me.

Aaliyah was already living here in LA when I decided to move up here. We decided to buy this house together. I'm happy to be reconnected with my sister. She moved here from Boston 4 years ago to further her business and she's been living lavish ever since.

"Girl what you did???" She asked as she got closer to me.

"I cheated" I blurted out.

"Girl what??? I thought you said you loved Charles" She said as she took a puff from the blunt.

"I do. I'm not going to tell him. I'm just going to act like nothing happened."

"Shake my head girl. Who you cheated with anyways."

"Some R&B cat named August--"


"Girl what the hell you yelling for? Yes I FUCKED him. It was a huge mistake."

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