Chapter One:

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3rd Person:
     You were classmates with Kakashi. A person who is very quiet yet very weird in your class. It was your Genin exam and the fourth hokage was your Proctor. You'd hated Kakashi because of his attitude. You'd always hangout with Rin and Obito at that time.

      At the time of your Genin exam, You teamed up with Rin and Obito. But it was no luck since you lost at your proctor, which was Minato Uzumaki. But since you passed You'd spend your training days with your new sensei. But what's worst is Kakashi is in your team. He had been the strongest to all of you since he was  a bit "experienced". Everytime you and your team finished training Kushina would always bring lunch to you.

     It would be fun and you would sometimes hear Kakashi chuckling or see him smirk. It was an improvement. Especially when Kushina ang Obito always brag at each other.

    You went on missions with them. But the happiness of your team didn't last long. Unfortunately you were sick at that time. It was when Kakashi killed Rin. Kakashi came back to the village alone, full of brusses and a scar on his left eye that was tightly shut. Since your the only one who saw him you helled him and broght him to the hospital.

      As soon as the doctor finished, he lets you see him. "Kakashi, What... Happened?" You said. There was nk reaponse from him but a tear fell from his right eye. He sobbed and started screaming. You walked to him and held his shoulder. "Shhh... Kakashi stop..." You hugged him. Even though you didn't know what happened, you had a feeling that you had been hurt...

     After days had passed you,Kakashi, and Minato are left on the team. Obito didn't came back either. A news had been around the town that Kushina was pregnant. You had been helping Kushina alot and treated her as your own mother. After 9 months had past the baby was born. You were fast asleep at where Kakashi stays in since you two are now close but you still hated him.

     It all started again. A loud explosion was heard outside. You quickly woke up aso did Kakashi. You two quickly wore your ninja attires at jumped out the window. You saw what was suppose to be a fox with Many tails. You cursed as yoj remembered that this was one of the extrated tails from Ten tails. You hurried up and went to the hokage office but Minato wasn't there. "Kakashi lead the villagers to the Underground!"

      You commanded and he noded. You tried to go around the town to find Minato and Kushina. You saw the Ninetails in the distance but was chained up. You saw it's chakra being pulled out of it's body. "N-NO!" You knew that jutsu and from who was it from. You quiken up but it was too late... You saw Kushina and Minato was stabbed at the stomach by the ninetails, trying to stab the baby. You saw it all. You saw Minato used his last strength to make the barrier around the baby.

      "S-Sensei! Kushina!" You shouted. Wide eyes, they looked at you. You tried to run to them to help them but you were slammed in the trees by the Ninetails. You tried again and again but you were always slammed. You body gave up and everything went black.

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