The Tale of Peter Rabbit

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Once upon a time, there was a baby bunny, his name was Peter. Peter and his sister used to have a mom and dad. The mean human Mr. Gregory killed their mom and dad. Since his sister was the oldest she became responsible for Peters well-being. When Peter grew up he knew he had to help his sister provide for them, and the only way to do that was to get the food they eat from Mr. Gregory's yard. His sister reminded him that their father left Peter his lucky jacket and that he should have it not only for good luck but as a reminder of his father. The day Peter decided he was ready to go into Mr. Gregory's yard was a bad one. When Peter ran into the yard he didn't see the trap that was set for any unfortunate bunny that wandered in. As Peter ran through the yard he hit the trap which snapped around his father's jacket. Peter pulled and pulled on the jacket, but it was no use. When Peter saw Mr. Gregory walking towards him he had to leave his dad's jacket behind to get away. The next day Peter decided to try to get the jacket back, but that would be his downfall. Peter was so focused on what he was doing that he didn't see Mr. Gregory behind him with a net. When Mr. Gregory threw the net on Peter it scared him so bad that he squeaked so loud that it sent Mr. Gregory into a heart attack. It was such a surprise to Peter because now he realized that he got all the veggies in the garden and didn't have to worry about a mean human ever again.


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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18, 2018 ⏰

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