Chapter Two

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Camila's Point of View

Why did Dinah have to invite people? I would have been perfectly happy with just her and Sofi, but noooo of course not. I mean why would I be able to get something I want for my birthday right? I get it, I need to be more social but not with these people. That short girl.. Ally? She is way too happy. No, just no. That one girl with the green eyes looked beautiful, like wow. Her friend is obviously Dinah's friend and she looks like she is just pitying me.

I poked Dinah in the side and whispered in her ear, "CheeChee I'm going to get a drink." I got up before she could respond, I just wanted to get out of there. They all looked happier without me around anyway. I opened up the fridge and heard the sliding glass door close. I turned around after grabbing the pitcher of lemonade and closing the refrigerator door. The girl with the green eyes was smiling at me. What the hell was her name again? It was something with an L right? Shit no. It was a M. No that doesn't sound right. "What's your name again? I'm sorry I have a bad memory when it comes to names." Oh thank god, she doesn't know my name either. "Ca- um Ca- Camila." Good job Camila, just stutter your way through this whole thing. "I um, what about um you?" I tried to ask her without stuttering, but hey that obviously worked out so well. "Oh, I'm Lauren. So is today your birthday or..?"

"It's um to-tomorrow." Why does she care? I bet she doesn't even want to be here. Her friend probably made her come. God I hate when people pity me! I get it, I have a shit time out of life but that doesn't mean I want people to pity me! She's smiling again. Her smile looks like it could brighten anyone's day. "Talking isn't easy for you is it?" I just shook my head, it's no use trying to explain. She jumped up and sat on the counter across from me, just looking at me. "I promise you that I don't bite.. Well I did bite someone once, but that was only because my little brother was sitting on me and he deserved it." Lauren started laughing at her own words and I couldn't help but laugh along with her. "Camila, do you think we could stay in here? I don't really give two fu-" I frantically shook my head to make her stop from talking. "No s-s-swearing. My little s-sister S-Sofi is home."

"Then I don't give two fudges about staying out there and talking about Beyonce and Jennifer Lopez." I just smiled because I agreed. "D-Do you want to um meet my um s-sister?"

"Just lead the way Camz. Can I call you Camz?"

"Um, s-sure." I lead her upstairs and knocked on Sofi's door. Of course Sofi's door swung open and she immediately clung to my leg. "S-Sofi, this um this is L-Lauren." Sofi looked up and gave a big toothy smile to Lauren. "Oooh you're very pretty Lauren, your eyes look like the gems that they find in the movies." Before Lauren said anything my sister looked back up at me, "Mila why are you talking funny?"

"I um w-well.." I picked her up and whispered in her ear, "Lauren is just so pretty she makes my brain not work." Hell it wasn't a complete lie! Sofi looked over at Lauren and opened up her arms. Oh, so I'm no longer good enough to hold her? I see how it is. When Lauren took Sofi she immediately whispered something in her ear which caused Lauren to say "Aw really?" That little brat better have not said what I just told her. I seriously need to give her a better lesson on secrets. I watched as the two continued to whisper back and forth before I finally cleared my throat to kind of make them both realize I'm still standing there. "Will you guys play with me?" I smiled and nodded, heading into her room sitting on the bed. Shortly after Lauren walked in while laughing with Sofi.


After what seemed like hours of playing make believe with Sofi, Dinah and the other two girls appeared in the doorway. "Chancho can the other girls sleep over?" I nodded while I replied, "S-Sure." Dinah's eyes widened and she came and grabbed me from Sofi's room then pulled me into my room. She closed the door so the other girls couldn't hear our conversation. "I am so sorry! I didn't know you couldn't talk! I know you only get like that when it's really bad and I'm so sorry I didn't realize."

"Dinah, it's fine. It's not even that bad right now, really. That girl Lauren just makes me really nervous."

"Mila! Do you like her? I know you're a very closeted bisexual, but I gotta know this. I can get her number for you! Oh my god, Camila plus Lauren.. Camren!"

"Woah, woah slow down there Speedy Gonzales. I can't know if I like her if I don't know her. If you get her number, don't tell her that I want it. Don't even hint to any of them that I want her number. She's probably straight and so even if I did ever like her, she would get weirded out."

"Fine. Seriously though, she's about as gay as Ellen Degeneres. Normani said that Lauren has a hard time making friends that are girls because they all think she's going to jump them or something. You have a chance Mila." I have a chance? Me? Karla Camila Cabello? Ha! Good joke. Actually it's a great joke. Me having a chance with Lauren.. I wish.


Lauren's Point of View

Well that was weird. Why the hell did Dinah just pull Camila out like that? I looked at Normani and then at Ally and Mani spoke first. "What was that all about?" I shrugged, but Sofi seemed to have an answer. "Mila doesn't usually talk so funny. She told me that it's because Lauren is so pretty that her brain doesn't work." She's so cute. Sofi I mean. Camila is just really shy. She probably didn't know how to tell her sister that people make her anxious and that she has a hard time talking because of it. I got a compliment though, so who gives a fuck? "Lo can you come here?" I told Sofi I'd be right back so we could finish playing and then followed Normani a little away from Ally and Sofi. "Is she serious? I mean we all had a whole conversation about you being the gayest of the gays and Dinah never brought up that Camila likes girls."

"I think she just told her sister that because it was easier than explaining why she really couldn't talk." Mani looked at me for a minute but I just shrugged. "Camila is pretty cute though, it just sucks that she's straight." I laughed when Mani gave me a look like what did you just say? "Oh come on, tell me you didn't see her ass." She just shook her head at me. "Lo, don't even think about flirting with her. She's really fragile and from what I keep hearing she really is not in a place right now where she would even think that any compliments are true. Hell, if you flirt with her she's probably gonna assume you're making a joke." I frowned a little and nodding before making my way back over to the rest of the girls.

I don't get it, Camila seems like such a lovely girl. Why the hell is she so anxious and insecure?

A/N: Should I continue this or nah?

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