staying the night

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its been about a week since I met Craig. he's been coming into the café every other day and ordering the same thing and giving me a ride home after every shift .

I invite him up to my place to hang out after work. I open my door when I relized I had nothing In my apartment I didn't have a chair hell I didn't have a bed for myself. "shit" I whisper when I didn't have anything for him to sit on. " is this all you have?" he walks around the room with nothing in it . " yeah I can only afford the rent and nothing else really ." he walks over to my kitchen and sees the box of noodles and my plastic forks . "ebony is this all your eating?" he grabs the box and looks at me. " well besides the little meal at work , pretty much." he puts the box down and walks up to me saying " let me buy you more food you cant live right with that " . he points to the box on the bar " craig I'm fine with that I don't need that much food and that works for the day." " ebony your working for twelve hours plus with hardly any breaks you need more than that. " "craig that's all I can afford to eat with rent and my job I appreciate the concern but I'm trying to do this on my own" fine, wheres your bathroom? " " its down the hall" I call back. I grab a cup for some water when I hear craig yell " you are not sleeping on the ground in a fucking sleeping bag"! " shit " I whisper again. craig walks back into the living room and tells me grab some clothes for tonight and tomorrow because I'm staying the night with him because I shouldn't be living like this. I just stare at him after he told me to grab clothes to stay the night with him " what did you just tell me to do in my apartment?' " look that came out harsh and I know we've only known each other for a week but ebony you are the sweetest girl ive known and you cant keep on living on little food and sleeping in a sleeping bag." "craig , you don't know the stuff ive had to deal with by myself " " then tell me what you've been dealing with and I'll help you." I look down at the counter. " My parents died in a car crash and my aunt took over the house and bank accounts while I was in a coma for a month, what little money I had in my personal account paid for this place for a few months plus I've been trying to pay for my parents burial plots on top of that." I look at Craig before continuing " that's why i have little food and sleeping in a sleeping bag"

I see Craig's eyes water and he walks over and hugs me tightly " ebony sell this place move in with me and use the money from your job to pay for that and not stressing about food and rent"
"Craig your a nice guy but I hardly know you besides your food order, how do I know your not going to do something to me?"
Craig looks at me shaking his head. "Ebony if I were the person to do that I'd already would've , I've been giving you rides and plus you have shown me where you live and what apartment you live in. I would never do anything like that to you especially you. " I stand there in front of Craig for a minute before I sign and tell him give me a minute to get my stuff. I grab a plastic bag and fill it with my clothes for tonight and tomorrow and grab my toiletries and put them on top. I walk out of my room and walk to the living room where Craig hasn't moved. I walk up to him and ask him "are you sure?" He nods and takes my bag full of stuff and opens the door to my apartment. I walk out with him behind me and lock the door when he closes it. We walk down to his car and he opens the passenger door for me and hands me my bag. He gets in and starts driving it's 11:08 pm when we drive away from my apartment. He turns on some music and I start to drift off a few minutes later.

I start to stur when I feel the seatbelt get unlatched and I'm picked up bridal style I wrap my arms around his neck and snuggle into his chest still half asleep. I feel his chest vibrate as he laughs softly. He walks through his garage door and into his house , he shifts me slightly to open a door . He moves some sheets before laying me on a bed and taking off my shoes and pulling the sheets over me. I feel the bed sag with his weight as he whispers into my ear " sweet dreams ebony" Craig gets off the bed and walks to the door turns off the lights and closes the door.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 14, 2018 ⏰

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