Chapter Ten:The Final Battle:Ghoul vs Vampire Part 1

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As you are battling the ghouls, you began to noticed the decline of them.
'I hope we are almost done,' you thought.
Suddenly, a ghoul with deadly red eyes went and attack you. You try to get out of the way, but it was too late! You got injured by that ghoul.
'Damnit, my arm is injured,' you thought, as the ghoul comes back.
Just before the ghoul can finish you off, you hear someone yell out "Justice Flash!!" It was Toppo.
"Toppo, thank you," you said, with glee.
"Are you okay, (Y/N)?" asked Toppo.
"Yeah, I'll heal," you said, looking at your arm. It was a bloody mess. You then see that your arm is healing pretty fast.
"It is your vampire blood that makes you immortal, isn't it?" Toppo then asks, with a curious look on his face.
"it," you said.
"You be careful, (Y/N)," said Toppo.
"I will," you said, as you get back to battle.
You then grabbed your weapon and attacked them.
******5 minutes later******
'There are fewer and fewer ghouls to kill. We might be able to win,' you thought, as you then run to an alleyway to rest.  You then hear footsteps, as you then pull out your weapon.
"W-who's there? I will fire at you," you said, scared.
"It's just me," said a figure, as he then comes right behind you. It was Jiren!
"Jiren, you scared me half to death," you said.
"Sorry, (Y/N)," said Jiren, as he then sat down next to you.
"Are you okay?" you ask, worry is in your voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine," said Jiren.
"They are almost gone," you said.
"Right," said Jiren, "Listen, (Y/N), there is something that I have to ask you."
"What is it?" you ask.

But before Jiren can ask you whatever he was going to ask you, a ghoul, with a dagger, came out of nowhere and tried to attack him. You then pushed Jiren out of the way, only for you to get stabbed in the heart. Jiren was shocked, as you fall down, dead!

*****Jiren's P.O.V.*****
'(Y/N). (Y/N)!' I thought, as I saw her protect me.
I saw the color of her (e/c) eyes fade away. She.....she was dead!!!!
"God Damnit!" I cried, trying to bring her back.
"I already lost my family, my friends, even my teacher. I don't want to lose you too!" I cried. I then see Toppo and Cocotte come towards me, Toppo had a sad look on his face, while Cocotte was worried.
"W-what happened?" asked Cocotte.
"(Y/N), s-sacrificed herself to s-save me," I said, tears are in my eyes.
"Did you kill the being that killed her?" asked Toppo.
"........Yes, I did," I said, getting angry.
"Look Jiren, (Y/N) would want you to kill them, to save her universe," said Cocotte.
"I know," I said, with a death- like tone to my voice.
"Cocotte," said Toppo, "We better leave Jiren alone for right now." They then walked away.
"(Y/N), I promise I will avenge you. Your sacrifice will not be for nothing," I said, as I walked away from her lifeless body.

What is up my bitches!!! So, this is a two parter ending. Part two will be here by the end of next week, as well as the epilogue.
So, what do you think of my cliffhanger? Please let me know on it.
Anywho, I will see you later.

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