Short Story

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Daniel,rehearsaling for his new drama on stage. After that he goes to his makeup room someone is sitting on his chair.He didn't noticed and going to stage, but suddenly he turned around and got shocked excite.

"Bonnie,you"said Daniel whispering to himself.

"Am i dreaming again"Daniel pinched his hand "ouch....,no i'm not" added in whispering.

"Bonnie you in my makeup room"said Daniel in excitement,"i,i.....i cannot believe it".

"Daniel, i..."Bonnie tries to say something, but Daniel interrupt.

"Sit down please,please sit"said Daniel

"Daniel, I'm already sitting"Daniel paused for a moment," if you mind then"said Bonnie and tries to getup.

"No, please sit"Daniel paused again"can you drink"said Daniel with oops

"What"said Bonnie with gasp

"Can i bring you a soft drink"Daniel Corrected but slowly.

"Oh...,no Daniel i don't want it"said Bonnie with laugh.

"No, you have to"Daniel interrupt and someone walking by "Hey,waiter make a good cup of coffee with your hand"Daniel suddenly Oops i did it again.

"Ha Ha Ha - strange you asking me for a soft drink , and now you bringing a cup of coffee"said Bonnie with laughing again.

"Bonnie , in front of you, i get tensed"said Daniel with embarrassing ,but Bonnie interrupt.

"Daniel please,i'm trying to say something but you won't let me,please"said Bonnie like a debate.

" Oh...okay go on"said Daniel 

"How do i start" Bonnie whispering  to herself.

"is something wrong"Daniel interrupt again

"Daniel,please"said Bonnie with tiny bit loud.

"Oh Okay"said Daniel looking down to his feet.

"okay, Daniel please close your eyes"Daniel protest"But why"said Daniel.

"just for a moment please"said Bonnie,"okay"Bonnie slowly go to his ear

"Happy Birthday Daniel"Bonnie whisper. 

Daniel open his eye in excitement,"oh, i totally forgot"Daniel looked Bonnie"thanks"and hugs her tight.

"Daniel you can let go now"Daniel suddenly"oh, sorry".

"and He's your present"said Bonnie.

"what is it?"said Daniel, but he something remembers.

"Bonnie did you know my birthday is tomorrow"asked Daniel

"yes i know, but i cannot come tomorrow"said Bonnie 

"i have an audition to give for my new movie, its in other town"explained Bonnie

"Okay i'm going to be late, so i have to go" Bonnie hugs Daniel tight "bye" whispering in his ear. 

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