Chapter 1

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Y/n pov

The pod opened for me to get out my friends Azura, Reiko, Miyu, and Elias got out as well but, all the other pods stayed shut.

I yawned and stretched," How long were we out?" I walked over to the computer and looked I froze seeing how long we were out. They noticed something was up and walked over then looked and gasped. We had been stasis for 10,000 years.

We were all quiet then I spoke up," We have to be careful but we should see if the Gulra still stand and see who is not with whoever is in charge." I paused and said," Also I need to tell you guys something." They were quietly listening I sighed," Altea is gone."

Everyone was quiet then Azura spook up," That doesn't mean we should give up Elias you check if every thing is working properly. Reiko and Y/N see if you find possible friends against the Gulra and sneak inside and it out to see if they really are and what not. Finally, Miyu you will go and check out the area for other life forms and if the area is safe.Does everyone know the plan?"

We all nodded knowing our jobs. She smiled," Then we all better get to work let's do this!" We all walked off to do our job I whispered to Reiko," Guess we know who the leader is." I sighed and nodded we quickly moved to go get started.

Timeskip to later

I walked by to see Reiko with a hooded woman I stopped them by making my wings appear and block their way I looked at Reiko for answers.

She sighed knowing I want," This is Mitsuki this is her people's normal clothing I know her species it's Showdowdar her father is the chief he sends her as a friend of sorts to help fight the Galra. My eyes widened and I slowly close my wings and disappear as they came.

I moved out of the way they went back to talking and I guess go introduce her to Azura.

I smiled," I guess I get to go "friend hunting" as well. I then went go get my stuff I need and get on a ship.

Timeskip after getting everything and fixed ship perfectly

I was ready to leave when Azura was yelling at me to stop I turned and looked at her she said," Don't get found by anyone their Altean alright if you find anything report if not still report. I nodded I got in my inproved ship Draco Meteor my favorite and best ship.

I flew off to check somethings I found that might be interesting. I sighed and said out loud in my big ship," I wonder what happened to Allura?"

Timeskip to when Hunk and Lance were fighting on that planet with the Blade of Momora

"They fight well with the lions." I got over shock of seeing the blue and yellow lion and focused on their skills. When the battle was done I snook in the crowd of people the blue palidin was taking... pictures? With girls. The yellow palidin was enjoying the food they were being given.

The people that helped in dark suit must be the Blade of Momora that I have heard about the leader did not where a mask people glared at them. He showed them the stone carving of... VOLTRON! That means they have all the lions and palidins! I decided to see my limits with the Blades I slowly got closer but out of view of the palidins I crept closer three leaders were talking to the palidins. I felt a glare on me I looked to see it was the Blades leader glaring at me.

The palidins got his attention he looked away from me. I better get out of here before they come trying to find me. But, before I could heard those people of Poweg saying Voltron over and over the palidins were nervous. I was curious something is up and I'm going to find out.

Timeskip to next day

I found out that Lotor son of Zarkon is taking his father's place. Hmm. I wonder what this Lotor is up too? I decided to go a fly around in space so I got my ship with my stuff ready to go and left. I was in my ship thinking who is the palidins of Voltron and where is Allura and Corran if they are alive that is.

I sigh and shook my head," No Allura is not died I'm sure of it!" I smile to myself keep flying when I get a call.

I look to see it's Azura I answer she said," Hey Y/N since your the closest can you go check out Voltron not help us less necessary "his majesty" Prince Lotor is battling with Voltron?" I smirked," Of course Azura see you later with a report if I'll not back then I now what to do." She sighed and nodded then the call ended. I put in the cordenits and warp to there.

I stay back in range to fire at them if needed I sat back I did not like not being able to help them they all were here but Azura said to not help unless neccary.

"I wish I could have helped but they did get Lotor to "retreat" at least." I guess I was noticed because Voltron was coming toward me. I quickly moved and tried to get away but they still followed me. I smirked," They don't know who there messing with do they?" I giggled at how fun this will be and the game began.

Timeskip to after the "game"

I laughed at how fun this is I haven't had fun like this in forever they keep me on my toes for what may happen next. I sighed knowing it's time to go I quickly made evasive maneuvers to get enough room between us for me to warp. I then warp to the system where the base. Not realizing who I left behind.

Allura pov

That ship why was it so familiar and the pilot skills also the ship can warp too! I was confused then it hit me was that Y/n's ship Draco Meteor? But how could someone else have her ship unless." I then heard a voice behind me," Allura are you alright?" I jumped in suprise and quickly turn around there stood Keith.

I sighed in relief then said," Keith is something wrong?" He sighed," You've been staring off for a while I was checking if your alright." I smiled," Don't worry I'm alright just thinking is all." There was silence for a while then Keith spoke up," Do you know the pilot by chance Allura?"

I shrugged," I really am not sure but maybe I do but I can't be sure yet we'll have to catch the pilot to find out."

Keith nodded and left while I thought of my old friends. Are they alive after all this time? I decided to think about it some more later. I then walked off to find the other palidins.

Me: Hello friends I did a Allura pov Yeah!

Reiko: Do you mind Aurora being a bit quieter me and Mitsuki are working on fixing things around here.

Mitsuki: (nodded) So we don't mess up and cause something bad to happen please be quieter or please leave. (Pointed to the door)

Me: (sigh) Okay fine well bye!

Azura: Aurora come on I have something to show you come on!

Me: Okay coming! Bye friends! (Runs off with Azura)

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