In the Beginning - Chapter 1

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In the Beginning God created light.

But he also created darkness.

My name is Rose. I'm 16 years old. Although, this story really starts 2 years ago. When my brother went missing. He was never found. No body parts. No blood. No trace of him. He just disappeared. Ever since, I've been paranoid.

What if they come back for me?

I've always felt like I've been watched since that day. When he went missing. I've missed him so much. I love my brother. I would do anything for him.

I've been bullied since I was little, and he was basically my body guard. Everyone was intimidated by him. He did beat up one of my bullies when I was twelve after all. And when I say beat up, I mean like... to a pulp. But ever since he went missing, I've been all alone. I don't have any friends, and I DEFINITELY don't have anyone to help me when I'm getting bullied. In just three months, I came home with several nose bleeds, multiple broken bones, and plenty of bruises.

I just want my big brother back.

As I sit in my room listening to music, I hear my mom talking to someone downstairs.

"She's getting better. Can't you see that?"

"She's been failing all her classes for the last two years."

My step dad. He always has something to say about me, while in all honesty, his son's no better.

I stop listening to their conversation and go back to my music as I scroll through information about my brother's case. Even after three years I'm still trying to find him. Sad, isn't it?

I keep scrolling through the links that came up with his case. One of the files that came up was the case of Jeffery Woods. He was my brother's best friend. They were both the same age, both 2 years older than me. I remember the boys who bullied him. I remember his parents. His brother Liu.


Jeff and Liu were best friends. They did almost everything together. Until Liu was sent to JDC. According to Jeff, the three bullies pulled knives on him and Liu. Jeff fought them and stabbed them. He said that a cop came to his house, and when he was about to confess, Liu took the blame instead. After that, Jeff rarely talked. He was so sad about all of it.

I remember the day the accident happened. Me and my brother were both at the party when they came. They started beating Jeff up and talking about how they had put Liu in JDC. They had even brought guns. The guns didn't do anything to Jeff though. It was the fire that ended up doing the most damage. Inside the house we found one of the boys attacking him unconscious (Or so I thought at the time. Turns out he was actually dead.) The remaining boys with the guns chased Jeff up the stairs, and I just stood there. Waiting. Hoping Jeff was ok.

Then I heard it.

A scream louder than anything I'd ever heard. Jeff fell down the stairs... Burning.

Some of the parents started trying to put the fire out, the others took us kids outside. I heard the sirens wailing in the distance. That was the last I saw of him. About a week after the accident, Jeff went missing... His entire family was found dead.

The case was almost exactly the same as Jack's. Except for the people who died. Jeff went missing just a year before him. The resemblance between the two cases is uncanny. Not a trace of either of them, even after all these years.

But that's what gives me hope.

Maybe it's denial, but my gut feeling tells me that he's still out there. Doing something. All I can do is hope he's ok and not being tortured in some psycho's basement or something. But my brother was strong. IS strong. I know that he can come home, and I know that he will.

He will.


Whelp, this is the first chapter of my first fan fiction. And yes, it will be about Jeff. Give it some time lol. Well, tell me if you like it. Bye everyone!

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