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"I could only imagine how he is in my dreams in hope of knowing he is out there looking for me. He can take take me out of this nightmare world and put me to sleep so I can dream again of him being here with me."

Dawn White maybe you have heard of her. The girl who needs a serious reality check. She always seems to have her head in the clouds, but when its not she is writing storys and poems (pretty good ones too) to get back up in her thoughts. Well you'll only know of her existence if A. you own a tumblr, twitter,instagram,or ,may I dare to say it, Facebook (A/N:NO OFFENSE TO ANY OF MY FACEBOOK USERS YOU GUYS ARE COOL) the there is a slight chance of you recognizing her work or B. you ask her for help on your essays that are due the next day.

Calum Hood the boy who's always in Dawns dreams but who knows maybe this so called Calum is real....

reality check//cthOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora