First day, First wreck prt. 2

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(( I changed the way how I tell the story again xD well.. Nvm..))

Me, Rosaline,Lulu,and Rapidash were hungry.. So we went to the cafeteria to grab something to eat for lunch. While the glitter girls, Diamond rose, Ploomette and Sugar flare were pretty much.. Saving themselves for a diet because if they found out they gained a pound.. They'll sure to freak out!

So we were going to pick a table to sit and eat our lunch " Hey look! Let's pick that table! " I said carelessly as I was pointing at the table that the glitter girls were supposed to sit on ._.

" um.. Autumn.. That table belongs to the glitter girls.. " Rosaline mumbled to me.

" wha? " but before I could finish my sentence... " What do you think you were doing here in the popular table loser! " Diamond Rose talked to me. " you do know this table belongs to us the popular girls.. Do YOU?! " I interrupted her insulting or teasing or what so ever. " Fine this table belongs to you okay! I'm sorry! " " Well I think you better go to that table over there! " she said as she was pointing the table near the trash bin. " you're expecting US to sit in the table? Are you crazy woman?!? I shouted at her. " Ugh! You know what? i don't wanna start a fight here, so leave us alone! "

So we backed away from the glitter girls and found a table that were near the lockers.

" Glad that worked out fine.." I whisper shouted. " Yea! We could have been dead meat whrn that happened..! " Lulu said as a grin spread across her face. " Hey Ive got an Idea! What if you beat Diamond Rose and het glitter minions as revenge for the things she did to the students here!" and ofcourse.. I was like WHA..

Anyways.. lers just eat.. " I said to stop the idea of me beating Diamond Rose in popularity.

" I am so putting her in my revenge list! so.. girls.. What are we going to do with her? " Diamond asked. " Uhm.. throw salad at her? " Ploomette replied to Diamond Rose.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 16, 2014 ⏰

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