chapter 3

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Avalon Warner was sitting at the piano in the parlor of her new home when she heard a knock on the front door. She got up from her seat and walked into the front room and opened the door. Two children that looked to be about her age stood there. The girl had looked like she had been crying, and the boy that was with her had a sullen look on his face. Almost as if he felt sorry for the little girl.

"Can i help you?" Avalon said, a bit confused

The boy was the first to speak up, "We're looking for Samantha Warner, is she here?"

"I think she's home, please, come in." Avalon said, motioning for them to enter the house. They hadn't realized how big the mansion really was until they stepped inside. It was almost...intimidating.

"What are your names?" Avalon asked them.

"I'm Tommy, and this is my friend Abbey." The little boy told her. Avalon left them in the front room and went upstairs to look for her sister. She walked down long dark corridor that seemed to go on for miles. When she finally reached her sisters room, she froze. There on the bed was Samantha's unconscious body. Avalon was in shock, her sister had been okay earlier. In Fact, it had only been an hour since she last saw her. She ran over to her sister and checked her pulse. She wasn't breathing. Avalon quickly ran back downstairs to where the children were.

"You need to leave, now." She said strictly, with tears in her eyes.

"Why? Where's Samantha?" Tommy asked.

"That doesn't matter right now, the two of you must leave at once."

"Is she okay? What's happened to-" Abbey was quickly interrupted by David.

"Well, who do we have here? Two little strays? The two of you shouldn't be here, it's almost dark outside." David slowly approached Abbey and moved a small strand of hair from her face, "What a fine little girl." He said, studying Abbey's small, thin face.

"Hey! Don't touch her you creep!" Tommy exclaimed, pulling Abbey away from him.

"Learn to bite your tongue boy. You don't want to know what we do to bad children." David smirked and pushed Tommy aside. He approached Abbey again, and gently touched her cheek.

"You'll make a fine little doll, now won't you?" He asked her in a teasing manner. Abbey just stood there and started to cry. Avalon hesitantly walked over to David and whispered something to him, causing him to step away from Abbey. Tommy grabbed Abbey's hand and ran to front door, only to find that it was locked. David chuckled,

"Don't think you'll get away that easily. You can go, but the little girl," He smirked, "The little girl stays here." David calmly walked over to Abbey and pulled her aside, then he pushed Tommy outside and slammed the door behind him. "Avalon," He continued, "Take the little girl upstairs to your room and see to it that she is ready for dinner tonight. It's a....special occasion." David then quietly left the room. Avalon took the girls hand and ascended the dark, grim, grand staircase.

When the girls had arrived at Avalon's room, she instructed Abbey to empty her bag and wait for her to return. Avalon quickly ran downstairs into her father's study and pulled a gun from one of the drawers. Then she ran into the parlor and grabbed a rosary from the table. After that, she went back upstairs. When she entered the room she studied the contents of Abbey's bag. It contained basic things such as a notebook and a water bottle. She instructed Abbey to put everything back into her bag and add the gun and rosary to its contents.

"What i have just given you should keep you alive." Avalon said, pulling a heavy jacket from her wardrobe. "Take this jacket. There are pockets on the inside. Anything in that bag that you don't want david to see should be put into its pockets. Never leave the things you want to keep with you unattended. Understand?" Abbey nodded and let avalon help get her ready for dinner.

Avalon sat at the end of the long dining table as the three handmaid's set out numerous plates of food. Abbey was sat two seats from her and was shaking with fear. She was in samantha's seat. No one had seemed to notice samantha's disappearance. In fact, everyone carried on as if Abbey was samantha. Abbey sat quietly in a blue victorian dress and black velvet ribbon at her throat. Her hair was tied up in braids and her makeup had been done. Avalon had been thinking of ways to help Abbey escape, but, sadly, the only way was to wait until Abbey was in the basement. Though, even with a gun...she couldn't survive long down there...could she?

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 19, 2018 ⏰

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