Chapter 5

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"It goes on"

When: Summer 2014

Where: The different States of America

Time: Pacific Time

So the tour goes on and on, first stop was California right, after that we went to San Francisco, Illinois, Portland, Phoenix, Kansas, Delaware, Florida, Colorado, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Michigan, Wisconsin, Washington and Texas.

We bonded with the other bands and really made friends out of them. Garder became really close with Hunter and Mike Carden and the three of them we would always find sitting in a corner drinking their fave drinks (wink).

Darci as usual was the darling of the bands as she was told, everybody had been smitten by her charms and yes she is the one who knows everything about everybody.

Pearl made a best friend out of Conner, they shared guitar tips and tricks with each other.

Alex from All time Low made a "blog partner" out of Elle.

And me, well my wish was granted, I made a friend out of John O'Callaghan and the rest of the Maine. Most of the time we do vocal warm ups and poke fun at each other while at it. But indeed, the band made friends with other bands, new and old.

We're bonded more now, closer since we did our first show. It's amazing how time together can be a big help in building relationships.

So we had an awesome time playing in these cities, they were a great audience.

Speaking of audience we had a problem with one. I think it was the group from Florida. Yeah, they were "meanies", I can tell you that. Here's how it went down, so we were playing at Ruth Eckerd Hall, right. We brought our A game just like we always do, we played our hearts out and thanked everybody when we finished.

It was great gig and we were all feeling really good. After the show the guys from Say Anything suggested we grab a drink at a bar and just, you know, relax.

A bunch of people went, like William and the rest of the Academy, We the kings, All time low, Dashboard Confessional, the Maine, Forever the sickest kids, Versaemerge, Anticipate, Kings of Leon, the Cab, Mayday parade and A Call To Action.

We arrive at a bar named Jack's Bait Shack and ordered ourselves a plate of Buffalo wings, chili cheese fries, pizza (four seasons) and beer. The night was going perfectly, we were sharing stories, laughing and poking pointless fun at each other.

When Travis noticed that it was 1 am we all decided to head back to the hotel since we need to get up early tomorrow for the Washington show, and so we did.

While walking up the street, four teenage guys (who looked really bad a**) walked up to all of us and asked Alex specifically this "you're the guys that played at the hall right, All time Low?"

Alex answered "Yeah, that was us. What's up?" Then the group of teenage guys responded with "You guys were awesome!" and they started pointing to the other bands and telling them they were awesome as well.

When they saw us they stopped, stared and said "You, you're the girl group right? What's your name again A...." then they mentioned a few really unpleasant names which clearly stated that they did not like us and is now making fun of us because they are all laughing.

The other bands coolly tried to calm these rude guys down (maybe they are drunk rude boys, but I don't care). John even asked if we were ok, we responded with a "We're cool, we'll handle this".

Then Travis, William, Sisky, Chris and the rest of the guys offered to drag those losers out of our hair but we kindly told them we can handle it, thanks for the very gentlemanly offer.

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