Happy Halloween

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Sitting together in the cold, the only sound was the hum of the engine and quiet sobs emitting from Valentine's mouth. He was crying out of vulnerability and fear, rather than pain.

"Val, let's go... before he gets a teacher." Clover's voice was calm and quiet, soothing him ever so slightly. Enough to get them moving.

Time passed as they rode in silence. Valentine's heart had stopped pounding so hard and his arms weren't trembling nearly as much. But, upon entering the parking lot, the two of them glanced up to see Basil, standing with his arms crossed by the stairs. One would assume he was angry from his stance, but his face was covered in a cheshire smile.

"I'm going to kill him." Valentine growled, clumsily sliding his way out of the car.

"Val!" Clover cried, climbing out after him.

As Valentine advanced towards his devilish brother, said brother opened his arms wide as though he expected a warm hug.

"Lookit you!" He said brightly. The bright smile didn't disappear as Valentine swung at him. Basil simply stepped out of the way, watching his younger brother struggle, smiling.

After quite some time of the struggle and oncoming tears, Valentine stood back, panting and glaring at Basil.

"I got a call from your charming little school." His words were like honey. Remaining silent, Valentine continued to watch him in growing fear. Basil faked a pout, "Said they want you suspended for reckless behavior. Again."

"People are reckless with me! It's THEIR fault!" Trying to sound tougher proved difficult as his voice cracked and wavered.

"I won't be shopping while you're suspended. You're on your own." His smile was simply wicked.

"But Basil! We have hardly any food now..." Clover said meekly from a little behind her twin.

"Too bad." Basil sang, pulling out a pack of cigarettes, lighting one, "See ya." The evil man strutted away, the cigarette dangling from the corner of his smirk. The twins looked at each other.

"Let's go inside." Clover's voice was quiet, and she was looking at the ground.

"Alright." Valentine waited a moment for her to move first, and when she didn't, headed to the metal staircase that led to their apartment.

Glancing over, the large moving van from earlier caught his attention and he scowled at it. But he entered the apartment, trying to get it out of his mind. Too tired to spit and yell in rage, he instead slumped onto the ancient couch. Clover closed the door behind them and watched him, then silently headed to her room. It was his fault again for no food, Valentine thought. He reflected also that his parents, if they were alive, probably would have done the same. Valentine hated the world because, for sure, the world hated him. His parents had hated him, but at least they fed him. Then they died. Basil hated him with a wicked spite ever since he and Clover were born. And Valentine didn't know why. His teachers hated him. Fellow students and staff hated him. The lunch ladies made a point to give him less food. Did Clover hate him? Had his one-time counselor hated him? Did he see Valentine as just another patient, working towards a paycheck? Once again, in the same day, tears threatened to leak from his eyes and he shut them tight.

"I'm supposed to be tough..." His whisper was quiet and weak. Proving himself a failure, the tears finally came.

"Val? I'm going to the Halloween party. Will you... drive me there?" Clover had appeared from the hall, and Valentine jumped. Wiping hurriedly at his eyes, he nodded, "You don't want me to come with you?" She hesitated, "... Well, do you want to?"

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