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I didn't see Mikey or the guys again for a couple of days as they were busy in the studio, but I made sure to get their things together; everything of theirs that I'd kept over the last year (almost).

He picked me up, beeping his horn as he stopped outside my house. As i went out to him, i realised the front passenger seat was taken up. "You're in the back, sorry!" Rye laughed as i gave him a what-are-you-doing-look.

"You dick," i chuckled and got in the back, "i don't see you for a year and this is how you treat me when we reunite?"

"It's like you never left," he said softly, trying to sound sentimental. (is that the right word? idk)

"Fuck you, Beaumont," i laughed, "you're not getting your stuff back now."

"Have you got it? I don't even know what you took," he chuckled.

"It's mostly Jack's, like, but i have a couple shirts that are everyone else's."

"You definitely took my Life's A Beach hoodie," he raised a brow.

I laughed nervously, "yeah, but i can't part with that, sorry.."

"You're a dick," he laughed.

"You blamed Jack for taking that for like six months, didn't you?" Mikey laughed.

"He did take it! She got it from him!" Rye said, "i felt betrayed."

"Sorry, Ryepie," i chuckled.


We got to the flat and i was welcomed with a very happy boyband. I got hugs and kisses and squeezes from the guys - including Mikey and Rye (and Harvey) - as i walked in.

We had a movie day, all spread out on Rye and Harvey's beds as we started watching the Harry Potter movies, with toilet breaks in between, and lots of snacks and popcorn and sweets. It was like it used to be and it made me so happy, the only difference (between martyrdom and suicide is press coverage) was that i was lying with Mikey rather than Jack.

Then when i fell asleep on Mikey's chest, he was the one who carried me to bed, and he was the one i woke up next to. It was weird, honestly, but it was amazing. I snuggled into Mikey as he got in bed next to me, wrapping his arms around me. I heard a "goodnight babe," as he kissed my head, but didn't have the energy to say it back so kissed his chest softly.

I woke up next to Mikey, and again, it was weird. I half expected to be in the old flat, but nope. I woke up cuddled into Mikey's side and as i looked up over him, i saw Andy getting out of bed. "Mornin', babe," he mumbled as he saw me.

I nodded a good morning and sat up, making Mikey stir a little next to me. "Babe?" he hummed.

I kissed his cheek to let him know i was awake, and he opened his eyes slowly, "hey, cutie."

I smirked and cuddled into him again, "it's too early to talk."

"You haven't changed a bit, have you?" Andy laughed from the kitchen.

I shook my head and Mikey laughed, "she said no!"

"Good," he smiled, shaking his head, "cause we've missed you."

I smiled wide and Mikey got up, "c'mon.."

I held my hand out for him to help me up and he did, letting me jump on his back for a piggyback. I rested my head on his shoulder, letting myself drift back off to sleep.

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