Cream That's Less Thick Than The Arctic's Tundra (Lemon Alt - Male Version)

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Remember how Gordon swore to himself to never let you do the mixing? Well you had that one smart moment and found the loop hole. Of course this loop hole was found via internet and millions of horny teens and real feminists! The horny teens provided the milkshake idea while a polite feminist chased them off and said to go get a blender. Lucky you, it was your old friend (insert a girl that you know is secretly a feminist from your school past schools)! So she even provided you the money seeing as she owed you for hooking her up with the most popular kid in middleschool.... You annoyed the popular person until they submitted and did your bidding, or maybe you threatened to kill their friend. WHO KNOWS? Welcome to middleschool, the years you regret more than elementary and highschool combined. But you aren't in middleschool anymore so you've seemed to surppress many memories well enough.

Anyway, she gave you enough money to buy a top quality, blender. So top quality that the reason you're even rethinking how you came to obtain this blender is because he asked you. In all honesty, it was fair when he accused you of stealing it somewhere and somehow. But hey, he huffed when you answered.... That's good right? Pfft, hell if I know I'm just the narrator... wait I should know then.... Then uh sure, it was a huff of 'fuck alright.'

Gordon Ramsay assembled the ingredients quickly. Muttering when he had to take a couple of detours when you misplaced many things. But eventually you... well he had all the ingredients laid out. Unfortunately you and him realized while this doesn't require a bowl, it requires a boiling fucking pot. Ramsay was slightly taken back when he finally remembered this. So, he wrote down the first steps on a sheet of paper and set it on the counter. Afterwards, you watched him go to the complete other side of the kitchen, glaring at you. "Better do this shit right!" He snapped when you made eye contact with him. You quickly turned away with a nod.. This should be easy, he fucking wrote it down. Damn though, he was nice handwriting. As nice as that butterfly passing by your windo- You snapped your head to the side, surprised to find Gordon Ramsay right there. Once you noticed his hand, he pulled it from your shoulder. Your body shuddered at the department of his hand's warmth. "I don't recommend spacing around fire." He teased with a sly smirk that made your body shiver once again.

You bit your lip, not daring to meet his eyes as a tint formed on your cheeks. "Y-yes chef," you said with a hesitant nod as you began to reach for the liquid measuring cup and milk. As you did that the chef handles measuring and pouring the whipped cream and the sugar. You could practically feel the heat from his body, which wasn't really helping with that slowly forming problem now was it?~ Anyway, so as you poured the milk into the cup for later, Gordon began adding the sugar into the skillet. The air was growing heavy and you were starting to feel odd.... so to change the subject, not really though, you asked a little question.

"If you had to eat any of these things on their own, which one would you eat?"

"Hard decision between the sugar and cream.... cream."

BAD DECISION, BAD DECISION!!! BRAIN MALFUNCTIO- Sorry just recreating what you are probably thinking at this point as you watched the sugar melt. It was sure taking a while to do so....

"So why c-cream?" You asked the chef, having to flinch at crossing your legs, christ that was a horrible decision! But the agony was easily ignored when Gordon shrugged, turned to look at you, then winked.

"You should already know why,~" he coed, then chuckled when all of it began to make your face similar to a cherry tomato.

As you stumbled about with your "I-I-I"'s, you turned around and poured the milk into the melted sugar. But when you reached for the cream, Gordon put his hands on yours and said. "I'll get it," with that amused smirk of his. So you nodded and carefully moved your hand away with a, "Yes ch-chef." You began, but when your hand moved away as he poured in the cream, his open hand slipped to your palm. At first you flicnhed at the sudden touch of warmth on your palm, but you were easily eased when he gave a soft chuckle at your reaction.
Once you stirred and let your ice cream thicken, you finally attempted to seperate from Gordon. The touching alone was starting to get to you greatly, but he wouldn't let go just yet.

Gorgeous Gordy [Gordon Ramsay x Reader (Lemon)]Where stories live. Discover now