Chapter 18- Heaven

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(Amy's eyes open to a light shining)

Welcome Amy Fleming

Who is this

It's god your home now no pain no sickness no hurt no sadness oh and no loneliness

May I come in lord ??

Yes of course come on in

(Gold gates open and Amy walks in to see god standing there)

So this is heaven right ??

Yes it sure is do you like it ??

Like it ?? God I LOVE IT !!


But what Amy Fleming

It's my daughter lyndy she's all alone down there

No Amy she's not she has her husband her daughter and you too

Me but god I'm dead down there

I know she has you in her soul just like ty was in your soul

God you sent him in my dreams didn't you ??

Yes I did Amy Fleming and right now I think someone is anxious to see you

(God points over to a grassy field and Amy squints to see ty)

*whispers* ty ??

Hey beautiful


(Amy runs up to him and jumps in his arms as he wraps his arms around her)

Oh ty I've missed you so much

I've missed you too Amy I have how was lyndy for the first few years

She took it pretty hard ty but she started to move on but I just couldn't move on from me and you

I understand Amy and I'm sorry I pushed you I just wanted to see you happy again

Ty I Amy Amy now so don't worry about that

(Ty laughs as he kisses her on lips so hard it made a loud pop)

Welcome home baby

Thanks ty it's good to be home but I hated to leave lyndy ya know

Yea I know how that feels that's the way I felt when I left y'all both

Well ty I've noticed that you look when I first met you

And so do you Amy up here we don't get old we actually look younger

Nah really ty ?!?!

(Both laugh as they hug tightly)

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