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tom's dms

tom_harlock- so uhhh we have never actually like uhh talked about other stuff before

bella.smiles- what kind of other stuff??


tom_harlock- well most importantly, where do you live? and just for real just like uhh regular wuestions that have not come up

tom_harlock- *questions

tom_harlock- sorry for my bad grammar omg i'm making myself look bad

bella.smiles- hey it's cool dude lol and i live in london lmao


tom_harlock- you probably already know where i live lol

bella.smiles- ok it's my turn to ask a question.,,,. what's your favorite color?


tom_harlock- i like blue

bella.smiles- mine is pastel pink :)


tom_harlock- ok this one may be a bit invasive, but when did they find out about your mental disorder?

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